Opening Statement to the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Confidentiality Commission

Statement by the Deputy Director-General of the OPCW, Ms Odette Melono

15 May 2024


Distinguished members of the Confidentiality Commission,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am honoured to welcome you to the Twenty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the Commission for the Settlement of Disputes Related to Confidentiality.

I wish to acknowledge the valuable contribution of all members of the Commission, and I would particularly like to thank those members whose term is coming to an end.

Your range of experience and diverse areas of knowledge offer the Commission a valuable and unique benefit.

I am confident that the tasks you are going to undertake as part of the Commission will once again be strengthened by your diverse insights and expertise.

Distinguished members,

Essential to the integrity of the confidentiality regime is the support and cooperation of our States Parties. 

Each one of them must treat information received and transmitted to the Organisation in accordance with its level of sensitivity as expressed in its classification category. 

Every year, an update is provided to the Conference of the States Parties on the implementation of the regime governing the handling of confidential information by the Secretariat.

This report provides the States Parties and other stakeholders with an overview of all actions undertaken with respect to maintaining and strengthening the protection of such information.

Distinguished members,

The annual meeting of the Confidentiality Commission is vital to ensuring that its members continue to have a high level of preparedness to handle any disputes that may arise.

This year, the mock scenario exercise will focus on two modes: Conciliation and Arbitration.

Such exercises are essential for thoroughly testing all areas of dispute settlement and for ensuring familiarity with the procedures in the event of a dispute.

For the first time, representatives from the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the PCA, in The Hague will assist with the mock case scenario.

The representatives from the PCA will be on hand to offer their insights and assistance to our members as they work through these two modes.

I am grateful for the assistance from the PCA and I hope that you will find this to be a worth-while and engaging session.

As the potential threats to both physical and cyber security continue to evolve, the Secretariat continues to increase its resilience and preparedness to address these threats. It therefore remains essential for the integrity of the Organisation that the Commission is ready to act in case of need.  

Distinguished members,

The confidentiality of information remains critical for the fulfilment of the OPCW’s mission.

Within the Secretariat, a stringent and comprehensive system governs the handling of confidential information.

As part of the Organisation’s ongoing work to maintain and strengthen the principles of the OPCW Confidentiality Regime, the Secretariat has recently updated its internal procedures regarding information classification. A new classification level of OPCW OFFICIAL has been introduced.

The purpose of this new classification level is to provide uniformity for all unclassified material, as defined by the OPCW Policy on Confidentiality, the OPOC. From now on, all unclassified material handled by the OPCW will be classified as OPCW OFFICIAL.

This new level is in addition to the three classification levels as detailed in the OPOC. The procedures will remain unchanged for the three existing levels.

As part of the implementation of the updated policy, the Secretariat is engaging with States Parties and National Authorities, to increase awareness and understanding.

Training and guidance are also being provided across the Technical Secretariat to ensure consistency in relation to the use of the new level.

Further information will be provided to members during the Commission’s meeting this year.

The updated policy, along with our confidentiality-related procedures, provides assurance to States Parties that the OPCW is handling their information appropriately. 

Given the nature and tasks faced by the Commission in the event of a dispute, an independent registry is integral to preserving the Commission’s impartiality and independence.

The PCA provides this vital function, as detailed in the Registry Agreement signed in 1998.

During your meeting this year, members will receive more information about the Registry Agreement, which I hope will increase your understanding of the support which the PCA provides to the Confidentiality Commission.

Distinguished members,

With your broad range and depth of experience in the fields of law, diplomacy, and disarmament, the Confidentiality Commission is well-equipped to fulfil its responsibilities if called upon.

The Secretariat stands ready to assist you in your important role.

I thank Kendra and her team for their efforts in organising this meeting of the Commission, and I am sure that they will provide all the support you may need.

I would like to wish you all a productive and engaging meeting and every success in your vital work, and I look forward to the outcomes of your meeting.

Thank you.