Canada: Statement by the Delegation of Canada to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eight Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9 (d) |
15 January 2024 |
People's Republic of China: Statement by the Delegation of China to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 22 (Chinese) |
11 December 2023 |
The People's Republic of China: Statement by the Delegation of China to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9 (d) (Chinese) |
11 December 2023 |
People's Republic of China: Statement by the Delegation of China to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 13 (Chinese) |
11 December 2023 |
The People's Republic of China: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Tan Jian, Permanent Representative of China to the OPCW at The Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties (Chinese) |
11 December 2023 |
People's Republic of China: Statement by the Delegation of China to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Explanation of Vote on the Draft Decision: Programme and Budget of the OPCW for 2024-2025 (Chinese) |
11 December 2023 |
The People's Republic of China: Statement by the Delegation of China to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Explanation of Vote on the Draft Decision: Addressing the Treat from Chemical Weapons Use and the Threat of Future Use (Chinese) |
11 December 2023 |
State of Palestine: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Ammar Hijazi Assistant Minister for Multilateral Affairs at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention |
5 December 2023 |
State of Palestine: Statement in support for the delegation of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of States Parties |
5 December 2023 |
State of Palestine: Statement by the Delegation of the State of Palestine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Right of Reply (Arabic) |
5 December 2023 |
State of Palestine: Statement by the Delegation of the State of Palestine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Justification Of The Vote on a Draft Decision Entitled “Addressing the Threat from Chemical Weapons Use and the Threat Of Future Use” (Arabic) |
5 December 2023 |
State of Palestine: Statement by the Delegation of the State of Palestine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties on Agenda Item Twenty-Three Any Other Business (Arabic) |
5 December 2023 |
State of Palestine: Statement by the Delegation of the State of Palestine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties on Agenda Item Seventeen “Fostering of International Cooperation for Peaceful Purposes in the Field of Chemical Activities" (Arabic) |
5 December 2023 |
State of Palestine: Statement by the Delegation of the State of Palestine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Justification of the Vote on Agenda Item Thirteen: Biennial Programme and Budget of the OPCW for 2024-2025 |
5 December 2023 |
State of Palestine: Statement by the Delegation of the State of Palestine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties on Agenda Item Eighteen Ensuring the Universality of the Chemical Weapons Convention (Arabic) |
5 December 2023 |
Algeria: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Salima Abdelhak Permanent Representative of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to the OPCW |
4 December 2023 |
Algeria: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Salima Abdelhak Permanent Representative of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to the OPCW on Agenda Item 17 related to fostering of International cooperation for peaceful purposes in the field of Chemical activities |
4 December 2023 |
Algeria: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Salima Abdelhak Permanent Representative of the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria to the OPCW on Agenda Item 23 related to AOB (French) |
4 December 2023 |
European Union: Statement on Behalf of the European Union Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Markus Leinonen EU Liaison Officer to The Hague at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 17 |
1 December 2023 |
Lithuania: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Neilas Tankevičius Permanent Representative of the Republic of Lithuania to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
1 December 2023 |
New Zealand: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Susannah Gordon on Behalf of Australia, Canada and New Zealand at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Subitem 9(d) |
1 December 2023 |
Costa Rica: Statement by H.E Ambassador Arnoldo Brenes Castro Permanent Representative of Costa Rica to the OPCW at CSP 28 (Spanish) |
1 December 2023 |
Czech Republic: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Mr RENÉ MIKO Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
30 November 2023 |
Poland: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Poland to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
30 November 2023 |
European Union: Statement on Behalf of the European Union Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Consuelo Femenia Permanent Representative of Spain at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 13 – Biennial Programme and Budget 2024-25 |
30 November 2023 |
European Union: Statement on Behalf of the European Union Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Consuelo Femenia Permanent Representative of Spain at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9 (d) – Addressing the threat from chemical weapons use - SAR |
30 November 2023 |
Germany: Right-of-Reply delivered by Ambassador Thomas Schieb Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item “General Debate” |
30 November 2023 |
Japan: Statement by H.E. Ambassador MINAMI Hiroshi, Permanent Representative of Japan to the OPCW, at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
30 November 2023 |
European Union: Statement on Behalf of the European Union Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Consuelo Femenia Permanent Representative of Spain at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda item 9 (d) - Addressing the threat from CW use – Ukraine, Navalny, RCA |
30 November 2023 |
Canada: Statement on Behalf of Australia, Canada and New Zealand at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Subitem 9(d) |
29 November 2023 |
Germany: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Thomas Schieb Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) |
29 November 2023 |
Venezuela: Statement by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9 (Spanish) |
29 November 2023 |
Canada: Statement on Behalf of Australia, Canada and New Zealand at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Subitem 9(d) (French) |
29 November 2023 |
Germany: Statement by the Delegation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 9(d) "Adressing the threat from chemical weapons use" (RCA) |
29 November 2023 |
Venezuela: Statement by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 17 (Spanish) |
29 November 2023 |
Saudi Arabia: Statement by the Delegation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties (Arabic) |
29 November 2023 |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Statement by Her Excellency Joanna Roper, Permanent Representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
28 November 2023 |
Malaysia: Statement by Dr Mohd Norhisyam Mohd Yusof, Representative of Malaysia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 8 |
28 November 2023 |
Australia: Statement on Behalf of Australia, Canada and New Zealand to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties under Agenda Item 13 |
28 November 2023 |
Bahrain: Statement by Brigadier-General Sameer Ahmed Mohammed Alzayani Assistant Chief of the Military Justice of the Bahrain Defence Force, First Deputy of the President of the Designated National Committee for the Prohibition of Weapons of Mass Destruction at the Twenty Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
27 November 2023 |
Kuwait: Statement by H.E. Mishal Abdullah Alsabah Undersecretary of Ministry of Defence of Kuwait, Head of National Authority, Head of Delegation of Kuwait at the Twenty Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
27 November 2023 |
Germany: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Thomas Schieb Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
27 November 2023 |
Slovenia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Jožef Drofenik Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
27 November 2023 |
India: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Reenat Sandhu Permanent Representative of the Republic of India to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
27 November 2023 |
Argentina: Statement by the Delegation of the Argentine Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties (Spanish) |
27 November 2023 |
Ukraine: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Oleksandr Karasevych Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of States Parties Under Agenda Item 9(d) |
27 November 2023 |
Australia: Statement by Dr Gregory French Permanent Representative of Australia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
27 November 2023 |
Canada: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Mr Hugh Adsett Permanent Representative of Canada to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
27 November 2023 |
Iraq: Statement of the Permanent Delegation of Iraqi to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties (Arabic) |
27 November 2023 |
C‑28/NAT.8 |
Russian Federation: Request for Circulation of a Document at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
27 November 2023 |
Venezuela: Statement by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OPCW at the Twenty Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties (Spanish) |
27 November 2023 |
United States of America: Statement by the Delegation of the United States of America to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Regarding the Illegitimacy of the Maduro Regime in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela |
27 November 2023 |
Kenya: Statement by H.E Ambassador Margaret W. N. Shava Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kenya to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
27 November 2023 |
Ukraine: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Oleksandr Karasevych Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of States Parties Under Agenda Item 8 |
26 November 2023 |
Philippines: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Jose Eduardo Malaya III Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Philippines to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
24 November 2023 |
Indonesia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Mayerfas Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
24 November 2023 |
Slovakia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Juraj Macháč Permanent Representative of the Slovak Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
24 November 2023 |
Azerbaijan: Statement on behalf of the Members of the Non-Aligned Movement that are States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention And China delivered by the Delegation of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
24 November 2023 |
United States of America: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Mallory Stewart Assistant Secretary for The Bureau of Arms Control, Deterrence, And Stability at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
24 November 2023 |
New Zealand: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Susannah Gordon Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
24 November 2023 |
Luxembourg: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Mike Hentges Permanent Representative of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
24 November 2023 |
Republic of Korea: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Hyoung-chan Choe Permanent Representative of the Republic of Korea to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
23 November 2023 |
Romania: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Lucian Fătu Permanent Representative of Romania to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
23 November 2023 |
Latvia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Aiga Liepiņa Permanent Representative of the Republic of Latvia to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
23 November 2023 |
Norway: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Bård Ivar Svendsen at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
23 November 2023 |
European Union: Statement on Behalf of the European Union Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Marjolijn Van Deelen Special Envoy for Disarmament And Non-Proliferation at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties Under Agenda Item 8 |
22 November 2023 |
Morocco: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Basri Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the OPCW at the Twenty Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties (French) |
22 November 2023 |
Sweden: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Johannes Oljelund Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Sweden to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
20 November 2023 |
Italy: Statement by the Delegation of the Italian Republic to the OPCW at the Twenty-Eighth Session of the Conference of the States Parties |
20 November 2023 |