International cooperation and assistance, through capacity building, to ensure full implementation of the Convention.
The OPCW is dedicated to supporting States Parties in their efforts to fully and effectively implement the Convention. Capacity building programmes have been formulated specifically to facilitate national implementation (Article VII), provide assistance and protection against chemical weapons (Article X), and promote international cooperation in the field of peaceful chemical activities, aimed at enhancing economic and technological development (Article XI).
Article VII
National Implementation Programmes

National Authorities Annual Meeting
Annual forum in The Hague for National Authority senior representatives and the OPCW that facilitates interactions and cooperation.

National Authorities Regional Meetings
Annual regional meetings in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean designed to bring together National Authority representatives in support of CWC implementation and sub-regional cooperation.

Training-of-Trainers for Customs
Course for training trainers to teach customs officials about the CWC transfers regime.

General Training Course
Held at OPCW Headquarters for National Authority personnel to impart basic knowledge related to all aspects of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Declarations and Inspections (Article VI Obligations) Training Course
Course to assist National Authority personnel and other national stakeholders with preparing declarations and receiving/escorting OPCW inspections (per Article VI).

Chemical Industry and National Authorities Meeting
Forum for representatives of National Authorities and chemical industry to discuss issues related to fulfilling Convention obligations.

Influential Visitors Programme
Outreach effort targeted at States Parties that have draft implementing legislation, but need political momentum to advance its passage.

National Authority Mentorship and Partnership Programme
Exchange of visits between two paired National Authorities that provides technical support and assistance to enhance national implementation efforts.

Internship Programme for Legal Drafter and National Authority Representatives
Tailored assistance for States Parties regarding the drafting of national implementing legislation.

Stakeholders Forum on National Implementing Legislation
Awareness-raising forum for parliamentarians and other government officials that have yet to pass comprehensive national implementing legislation.
Article X
Assistance and Protection Programmes

Training Cycles
Training programme creating sustainable capacity for first responders in one calendar year.

Table Top Exercises
Exercises to strengthen States Parties’ ability to ensure and effective response and to provide assistance in case of incidents involving toxic chemicals.

Specialised Training Programme
Opportunity for participants to practice previously acquired knowledge, strengthen abilities, and prepare them to instruct others.

Training of Trainers Programme
Advanced training to selected graduates of the Advanced Training Programme to increase the sustainability of OPCW capacity building efforts.

Instructor Development and Exchange Programme
Exchange of knowledge and best practices among States Parties and instructors regarding responses to incidents.

Article X Workshops
Workshops focused on Article X obligations that provide a platform for discussion and analysis.
Article XI
International Cooperation Programmes
Promoting Peaceful and Secure Uses of Chemistry
Integrated Chemicals Management

Associate Programme
Major international training project conducted over 9-10 weeks in Asia, Europe, and Latin America to foster the economic and technological development of OPCW Member States.

Chemical Safety and Security Management
Series of seminars for officials and chemical industry representatives focused on chemical industry outreach and industry-related aspects of Convention implementation.

Chemical Safety and Security Needs Assessment and Best Practices
Platform for OPCW Member States representatives to share needs, experiences, lessons learned and best practices related to chemical safety and security management.

Responsible Care ® Workshops
Workshops to promote awareness for and implementation of the Responsible Care ® Programme within chemical industry.

Executive Programme on Integrated Chemicals Management
For senior experts from OPCW Member States to build knowledge, capacity, and leadership skills in integrated chemicals management, including in the areas of chemical safety, security and sustainability.
Enhancing Laboratory Capabilities

Analytical Skills Development Courses
Tailored courses offered in cooperation with specialised institutions worldwide and focused on the use of various analytical chemistry methods.

Laboratory Twinning Initiative
Initiative to support analytic chemistry laboratories from OPCW Member States that seek to perform successfully on the OPCW Proficiency Tests.

Equipment Exchange Programme
Facilitation of transfers of used, but still functional, equipment from institutions in one OPCW Member State to another.

Customs Laboratory Training
Course to acquire further experience and practical knowledge in the analysis of chemicals related to the Convention for qualified chemists employed in labs that provide customs services and from developing or transitioning economies.

Laboratory Assistance Programme
Improving technical competence and providing support for laboratories engaged in chemical analysis.

Basic Analytical Chemistry Course for Women
Course to enhance the knowledge and skills of women analytical chemists.

Basic and Advanced Proficiency Test Training Courses
Course for enhancing the practical knowledge and skills of laboratory personnel interested in taking the OPCW’s Proficiency Tests.
Chemical Knowledge Promotion and Exchange

Research Projects Support Programme
Funding for a limited number of problem-oriented and scientifically valid projects from individual research groups or institutions based in Member States with developing or transitioning economies

Fellowship Programme
Fellowships for young scientists and engineers from Member States with developing or transitioning economies to work in advanced laboratories or facilities in another Member State to enhance skills and transfer knowledge.

Conference Support Programme
Financial support for scientific conferences in the field of chemistry and sponsorship of participants for conferences, workshops, and seminars on special topics relevant to the Convention.

Women in Chemistry
Tailored programme to promote the role of female chemistry professionals in the promotion of the peaceful uses of chemistry.

Policy and Diplomacy for Scientists Workshop
Interactive forum for scientists to discuss the intersection of science, policy, and politics related to disarmament, security, environmental safeguards, and sustainability topics.

Peaceful Uses of Chemistry Forum
Forum for officials and the Secretariat to discuss cutting-edge issues concerning peaceful chemistry, share chemical management lessons learned and best practices, and raise awareness about integrated chemicals management for chemical trade as well as the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Article XI Workshop
Workshop for representatives of OPCW Member States to share needs, experiences, lessons learned and best practices related to the implementation of Article XI.
Africa Programme

Africa Programme
High-level bilateral visits and activities to increase awareness of the Convention in Africa.