Training of participants at a Sub-regional Assistance and Protection Course for Asian States Parties held in Beijing, China.
The Sub-regional Basic and Advanced course on Assistance and Protection against Chemical Weapons for Asian States Parties was held in Beijing, China from 14 to 25 September 2015.
The Technical Secretariat annually organises a regional Assistance and Protection Course for Asian States Parties jointly with the government of China. This year upon request of the governments of Vietnam, LAO-PDR, Cambodia and Myanmar, a Sub-regional Basic and Advanced course was held in the Institute of Chemical Defence in Beijing-China with the aim of training participants in planning for and building a support team in civil protection, civil defence, and decontamination operations in contaminated areas, as well as in appropriate responses in the incidents involving CWA and toxic industrial chemicals.
The course dealt with issues related to assistance and protection against chemical weapons under Article X of the Chemical Weapons Convention and offered basic and advanced training in the use of protective equipment, and in monitoring, detection, and decontamination techniques which are used in response to attacks with chemical warfare agents or incidents involving toxic chemicals. Participants also acquired knowledge of chemical emergency response through table-top and field exercises.

Participants at a Sub-regional Assistance and Protection Course for Asian States Parties held in Beijing, China.
Twenty two participants from Cambodia, LAO-PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam participated in the training program. The selected participants were from national emergency response agencies tasked to prevent and mitigate chemical incidents.