U.S. Achieves 60 Percent Destruction of Chemical Weapons Stockpile

6 May 2009
An on-site container containing VX agent-filled M55 Rockets will be sealed before being pulled by a truck a short distance to the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility.

An on-site container containing VX agent-filled M55 Rockets will be sealed before being pulled by a truck a short distance to the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility.

The OPCW has verified the complete destruction of U.S. chemical weapons at three national sites: Newport, Indiana; Aberdeen, Maryland; and Johnston Island. Operations continue at the remaining destruction sites in Tooele, Utah; Umatilla, Oregon; Anniston, Alabama; and Pine Bluff, Arkansas, all of which are destroying or preparing to destroy blister agent.

The United States Army Chemical Materials Agency (CMA), which is responsible for destroying U.S. chemical weapons, has announced the destruction of 60 percent of the country’s declared stockpile under the Chemical Weapons Convention, which has been verified by the OPCW.

The OPCW Director-General, Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter, welcomed the announcement and congratulated the United States for its achievement.

“The United States and indeed all of the possessor States have consistently demonstrated firm commitment to fulfilling their obligations under the Convention by destroying their declared chemical weapons according to given deadlines,” he said. “In every case, high standards of health and safety have been maintained in these efforts and serious accidents avoided, which is a tribute to the determination of the possessor States to comply with their obligations in the most conscientious way possible.”

The OPCW has verified the complete destruction of U.S. chemical weapons at three national sites: Newport, Indiana; Aberdeen, Maryland; and Johnston Island. Operations continue at the remaining destruction sites in Tooele, Utah; Umatilla, Oregon; Anniston, Alabama; and Pine Bluff, Arkansas, all of which are destroying or preparing to destroy blister agent.

In reaching the 60 percent destruction mark, CMA calculates that it has reduced the overall continued storage risk from the nation’s stockpiled chemical weapons by 94 percent.

CMA reached the 50 percent destruction milestone in December 2007 and says it is poised to destroy the agency’s two-millionth chemical weapons munition in the coming months.

OPCW NEWS 18/2009