OPCW Director-General Visits the United Kingdom

8 May 2009

During his visit the Director-General held separate meetings with the Rt. Hon. Mike O’Brien, Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change (which includes the UK National Authority); and with Rt. Hon. Bill Rammell, Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

The OPCW Director-General, Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter, visited London on 8 May 2009 for meetings with UK ministers and other high officials.

During his visit the Director-General held separate meetings with the Rt. Hon. Mike O’Brien, Minister of State, Department of Energy and Climate Change (which includes the UK National Authority); and with Rt. Hon. Bill Rammell, Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

Director-General Pfirter updated the ministers on the status of implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, including the progress being made towards eliminating global chemical weapons stockpiles. He underlined the importance of universal adherence to the Convention as well as its effective national implementation, and commended the UK for its implementation of the Convention and close cooperation with the OPCW.

Minister O’Brien and Minister Rammell expressed their country’s firm commitment to the goals of the Convention and assured the Director-General of the UK’s continuing support for the work of the OPCW.

OPCW NEWS 19/2009