OPCW Director-General Visits Albania

5 September 2007

The Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter, paid an official visit to Albania on 1 September 2007 to attend a conference commemorating Albania’s success in completely eliminating its chemical weapons stockpile. This event was organised by the Department of Euro-Atlantic Integration and Defense Policies of the Ministry of Defense.

The Albanian Minister of Defense, H. E. Mr Fatmir Mediu; the Honorable United States (U.S.) Senator Mr Richard G. Lugar; and the former U.S. Senator Honorable Mr Sam Nunn, as well as the U.S. Ambassador to Albania, H.E. Mr John L. Withers II, were among the other dignitaries present on this occasion.

In his address, OPCW Director-General Pfirter commended Albania for becoming the first Possessor State Party to completely eliminate its declared chemical weapons stockpile under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) verification regime, noting that this was a landmark achievement which underscored the value of the Convention as an instrument whose worthy goals are achievable.

Director-General Pfirter also stressed in his speech that close collaboration among OPCW States Parties demonstrated the importance of cooperation in the elimination and the prevention of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. This positive interaction among countries contributes to reducing the threats to global security and promoting the goals of international peace. In this respect, Director-General Pfirter expressed his gratitude to the United States of America for the critical support it provided to Albania in completing its destruction of declared chemical weapons. This support is in line with the United States commitment to the CWC and the work of the OPCW

Director-General Pfirter emphasised that it is important to recall that the Convention is the result of a long-sought comprehensive prohibition of one of the most inhumane weapons ever created. He reiterated that the establishment of the OPCW to ensure the effective implementation of the Convention represented a new and unprecedented venture in arms control —the destruction of an entire category of weapons of mass destruction under a stringent international verification regime. Director-General Pfirter also praised the Nunn-Lugar program, which was contributing significantly in reducing the threat of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons to create a safer world for future generations.

Director-General Pfirter also drew attention to the commitment of OPCW Member States to deal with the challenges that lie ahead, especially in meeting the crucial deadline of 29 April 2012 for the complete destruction of all declared chemical weapons in every possessor country.

Director-General Pfirter thanked the Government of the Republic of Albania for its invaluable support to the OPCW in implementing the objectives of the CWC. The OPCW Director-General was presented a Medal of Distinguished Services for Albania by the Minister of Defence at the conclusion of the meeting.

PR87 / 2007