Foreign Minister of Tunisia Congratulates the OPCW on its Tenth Anniversary

3 September 2007

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Entry into Force of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the founding of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), The Foreign Minister of the Republic of Tunisia, H.E. Mr Abdelwaheb Abdallah, sent a congratulatory message to the OPCW and its Director-General, Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter.

In his message Foreign Minister Abdallah stated “As one of the first States to join the OPCW in 1997, Tunisia applauds the achievements and accomplishments during a decade of chemical disarmament and non-proliferation, which have further enhanced the importance of the CWC and its contribution to the consolidation of international peace and security.”

Continuing his message, Foreign Minister Abdallah wrote “Through its coordination of the implementation of the Plan of Action for the Universality of the CWC, Tunisia has contributed to the efforts of the OPCW to promote a universal adherence to this instrument, and it is delighted at the encouraging pace of adherence of new States to the Convention which counts now 182 States Parties. This confirms the image of the OPCW as the fastest growing disarmament organization in the world.”

Foreign Minister Abdallah also noted in his message that “the activities carried out in the framework of the international cooperation and assistance programs is a source of satisfaction for Tunisia, since they support development in key disciplines which strengthen national capacity of States Parties to pursue peaceful chemical research and to effectively implement the chemical weapons ban.”

PR86 / 2007