Training-of-trainers Course for Representatives of Customs Training Institutions on Technical Aspects of the Transfers Regime of the CWC

Algiers, Algeria

11 – 14 September 2018

On behalf of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the Director-General wishes to invite National Authorities from French-speaking African Member States to nominate participants for a training-of-trainers course for representatives of customs training institutions on technical aspects of the transfers regime of the Chemical Weapons Convention (hereinafter “the Convention”).

The training course will be held in Algiers, Algeria, from 11 to 14 September 2018 in cooperation with the World Customs Organization (WCO).

The manner in which customs authorities handle scheduled chemicals has a practical impact on the implementation of the transfers regime of the Convention, and can play a key role in diminishing and eventually eliminating discrepancies between the quantities of scheduled chemicals declared by importing and exporting Member States with respect to these same transfers.


The training-of-trainers course is intended to ensure broader outreach and to improve the capacity of Member States to enforce the transfers regime, by engaging national and regional customs training institutions that are expected to incorporate Convention modules into their curricula.

For this reason, the course will focus on training trainers from customs training institutions, as well as certified trainers who are regularly employed by customs authorities to deliver training courses for customs officials. A key objective of the course is also to have representatives of customs training institutions share experiences and best practices on the subject.