Training Course on Fulfilling Declarations and Inspections Obligations Under Article VI of the CWC

The Hague, Netherlands

10 – 14 September 2018

The Technical Secretariat (hereinafter “the Secretariat”) is pleased to announce that a training course for representatives of National Authorities and relevant stakeholders of States Parties on fulfilling declarations and inspections obligations under Article VI of the Chemical Weapons Convention (hereinafter “the Convention”) will be held in The Hague, the Netherlands, from 10 to 14 September 2018. 


The main purpose of the training course is twofold. On the one hand, the course is intended to facilitate the submission by National Authorities of accurate and timely declarations required under the Article VI of the Convention (Activities Not Prohibited Under This Convention). On the other hand, the course is aimed at providing practical guidance to States Parties on receiving and escorting OPCW inspections.

This course therefore is primarily intended for representatives of National Authorities and relevant stakeholders who are involved in preparing national declarations using the Electronic Declarations Tool for National Authorities (EDNA) and the Secure Information Exchange (SIX) system, and in the inspection process including serving as national escorts during OPCW inspections. Nomination of stakeholders other than the National Authorities should be made only if their participation in this course would positively contribute to the fulfilment of Article VI obligations by the nominating State Party.