Opening remarks at the Technical Meeting of National Authorities of WEOG States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention

2 July 2024

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Distinguished colleagues,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the first meeting of National Authorities of the Western European and Others Group (WEOG).

I extend my greetings to all national representatives joining us virtually, and to those present in the room.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the National Authority of Switzerland for co-chairing this meeting.

The primary objective today is to exchange information and best practices on common challenges, in order to further our collaborative efforts towards the implementation of the Convention.

It is appropriate that this meeting is being held at the Centre for Chemistry and Technology (CCT).

The CCT is a state-of-the-art facility for research, training, and capacity building in relation to chemistry.

The CCT exemplifies OPCW’s commitment to scientific excellence and innovation, and it is my pleasure to open this meeting at this important venue.Dear participants,

Last July, the OPCW reached a historic moment, when the Secretariat verified the destruction in the United States of the last chemical munition declared by all States Parties. 

Realising a world free of chemical weapons, however, requires continued vigilance and efforts by the Secretariat, and by all States Parties.

This important first meeting is part of these critical efforts.

WEOG States Parties play a vital role in fostering international collaboration and upholding the Convention.

During this meeting, you will have the opportunity to discuss the common challenges to implementing the Convention with the Secretariat, National Authorities, and technical experts, and to share views and ideas on how these could be addressed.

Strategic engagement with National Authorities from WEOG States Parties is crucial for the International Cooperation and Assistance Division.

On the one hand, your experience in implementing the Convention, and readiness to share expertise, can significantly enhance ICA’s capacity-building efforts.

On the other hand, ICA, and in particular the Implementation Support Branch, stands ready to liaise with WEOG National Authorities, in cooperation with colleagues in the Verification and Inspectorate Division, to foster innovative solutions to implementation challenges, such as increasing the efficiency of selected verification measures.

Dear participants,

You have an important agenda before you, which focuses on topics such as resolving transfer discrepancies, and preparing and escorting inspection teams to Other Chemical Production Facilities.

Your insights and experiences regarding these issues will be vital to identifying potential solutions and ways forward.

Staff from all relevant Divisions of the Secretariat are ready to discuss these with you in detail.

Finally, I would like to thank my colleague Beatrix Lahoupe, Head of the Implementation Support Branch, and her team for their exemplary efforts in organising this WEOG National Authorities meeting. They are here today to provide you with all the support you may need.  

I wish you a successful and productive meeting and I look forward to hearing about the outcomes and next steps.

Thank you for your kind attention.