H.E. Mr René Miko, Permanent Representative of Czechia to the OPCW, and Ambassador Fernando Arias, Director-General of the OPCW
THE HAGUE, Netherlands—12 June 2024—The Government of the Czech Republic has provided a voluntary contribution of CZK 300,000 (approximately €12,000) to support assistance and protection programmes and projects under the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons’ (OPCW) Africa Programme.
The contribution was formalised on 10 June 2024 in a signing ceremony held between the Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the OPCW, H.E. Mr René Miko, and the OPCW Director-General, Ambassador Fernando Arias, at the OPCW’s Headquarters in The Hague.
Ambassador Miko stated: “Czechia is a staunch supporter of the OPCW work and its contribution to the OPCW Trust Fund for Implementation of Article X yet again reaffirms its long-term commitment to support the OPCW and the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. It is with great delight that I announce today this voluntary contribution towards supporting the OPCW capacity building efforts in Africa. In addition to the in-kind contribution provided by the Czech Population Protection Institute, the projects financed from this programme will enhance capabilities and preparedness of the Africa population in the event of a chemical incident or threat.”
The Director-General stated: “I express my sincere appreciation to Czechia for its continued support in developing the capacity of first responders from African Member States to address chemical emergencies. Enhancing national and regional mechanisms to successfully manage chemical incidents or attacks is a key capability for all Member States to protect their populations from chemical incidents and emergencies.”
In addition to financial support, Czechia has provided in kind support to the Africa Programme through experts from the Czech Population Protection Institute (PPI) which provides training activities for first responders in Africa. For its extensive efforts in supporting chemical emergency preparedness training, PPI was honoured with the prestigious 2022 OPCW-The Hague Award.
OPCW’s Programme to Strengthen Cooperation with Africa on the Chemical Weapons Convention – more commonly known as the Africa Programme – focuses on the needs of African Member States, including the promotion of peaceful and authorised uses of chemistry for inclusive and sustainable development and for a safe and secure Africa. The Africa Programme continues to be funded mainly through the OPCW regular budget. Extrabudgetary resources are used to further expand the Programme’s depth, reach, and impact.
As the implementing body for the Chemical Weapons Convention, the OPCW, with its 193 Member States, oversees the global endeavour to permanently eliminate chemical weapons. Since the Convention’s entry into force in 1997, it is the most successful disarmament treaty eliminating an entire class of weapons of mass destruction.
In 2023, the OPCW verified that all chemical weapons stockpiles declared by the 193 States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention since 1997 — totalling 72,304 metric tonnes of chemical agents — have been irreversibly destroyed under the OPCW’s strict verification regime.
For its extensive efforts in eliminating chemical weapons, the OPCW received the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize.