Participants at the The Advanced and Exercise training course on Assistance and Protection against Chemical Weapons for Arabic speaking States Parties, which was held in Doha, Qatar from 21 to 24 December 2015.
The Advanced and Exercise training course on Assistance and Protection against Chemical Weapons for Arabic speaking States Parties was held in Doha, Qatar from 21 to 24 December 2015.
The training was co-organised by the OPCW and the National Committee for the Prohibition of Weapons (NCPW) of the State of Qatar.
Fifteen participants from 10 States Parties* as well as 15 participants from Qatar attended the training course, which was held at the Qatar army training centre.
The training was the second stage of the regional Assistance and Protection project for Arabic-speaking States Parties in the Middle East and North Africa, which included the basic course held in Algeria in May 2015.
The aim of this training programme was to enhance the capacity of the States Parties in the region to respond to the incidents involving chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals.
It offered advanced training in the use of protective equipment; monitoring, detection and decontamination operations; as well as emergency response system and planning. The training program included a table top exercise as well as a field exercise on responding to a chemical incident.
* Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Morocco, Sudan and Saudi Arabia.