Participants at the The Fourth Regional Training Course on Emergency Response to Chemical Incidents for Asian States Parties, which was held in Singapore from 9 – 12 March 2015.
The Government of Singapore and the OPCW jointly organised the Fourth basic training course on emergency response to chemical incidents for Asian States Parties. It was held with the support of the Singapore Customs and Civil Defence Forces from 9 to 12 March 2015. Twenty experts from 10 countries* were trained.
This basic training course is related to national and regional emergency response capacity building within the framework of Article X of the CWC for States Parties in the Asian region. The training course was held at the Civil Defence Academy of Singapore. The aim was to train participants in planning for, and building a support team in, civil protection, civil defence and decontamination operations, as well as responses to chemical weapon attacks and other incidents involving the release of toxic industrial chemicals.
This course was the first part of a tailored programme of training based on annual training cycles conducted at the regional level. In line with this approach to capacity building projects under Article X, it is expected that participants selected for this course will participate in advanced training to be held in the Republic of Korea in June 2015 and an exercise in Indonesia in November 2015.
The Technical Secretariat also conducted an outreach event for members of the Singapore Chemical Industry Council to underline the importance of the CWC and the role played by partnerships with chemical industry.
*Australia, Bhutan, China, Fiji, India, Iran, Malaysia, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka and 2 participants from Myanmar as observers.