The Libyan delegation visiting OPCW with OPCW senior staff.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Libya, H.E. Mr. Mohammed al-Dairi, visited OPCW Headquarters on 5 February 2015, where he met with Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü and other senior OPCW officials.
The Director-General and Minister al-Dairi discussed a number of issues related to Libya’s implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. Both agreed on the need to complete destruction of remaining precursor chemicals, following the destruction of all of Libya’s Category 1 chemicals in January 2014.
“The OPCW appreciates Libya’s continuing efforts to meet its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention, despite the significant challenges it faces,” said Ambassador Üzümcü.
“Libya is fully committed to completing destruction of its remaining chemicals, and will continue to work with the OPCW and States Parties to achieve this,” said Minister al-Dairi.