Federal Minister for Defence and Sports of Austria, H.E. Mr Gerald Klug, visited the OPCW headquarters today where he met with Director-General Ahmet Üzümcü, and other senior staff members.
The Director-General and Minister Klug discussed a number of issues related to implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, including ways of deepening cooperation between the OPCW and Austria. The Director-General also provided the Minister with an update on efforts to eliminate Syrian chemical weapons. The Director-General expressed appreciation for Austria’s strong support for the work of the OPCW.
“Austria has played, and continues to play, a prominent role in global non-proliferation efforts, and we value its contribution to the work of the OPCW”, said Ambassador Üzümcü.
The Minister said, “The Syria mission has amply proven the effectiveness of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the OPCW’s efforts to implement it. Austria is proud to support these efforts.”