Participants at the Second Meeting of Training Centres for Assistance and Protection Under Article X of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which was held in Bratislava, Slovakia in September 2014.
A second meeting of assistance and protection training centres for Article X of the Chemical Weapons Convention took place from 23-24 September 2014 in Bratislava, Slovakia. This meeting was designed as a forum for discussion between senior staff of the training centres of States Parties that provide training in cooperation with Assistance and Protection Branch. In total, 24 participants representing training centres in 16* State Parties participated in the meeting.
The programme of the meeting focused mainly on an update on the implementation of certain recommendations of the first meeting, held in July, 2013 in Switzerland, and a review of relevant OPCW activities conducted over the course of the intervening period. Further issues discussed by the participants and the Technical Secretariat included further measures to improve the harmonization of training curricula related to the Article X, OPCW recognition of the contribution of longstanding partner training centres, as well as future cooperation and exchanges between training centres to improve Article X programmes.
*Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Finland, Pakistan, Poland, Qatar, Slovak Republic, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine