Participants at a Course on Assistance and Protection Against Chemical Weapons, which was held in Kuopio, Finland from 8 to 12 September 2014.
A basic training course on assistance and protection against chemical weapons was held at the Crisis Management Centre (CMC) in Kuopio, Finland from 8 to 12 September 2014 and attended by 18 participants from 16 State Parties.*
The course trained participants in planning and building a support team in civilian protection and rescue operations in contaminated areas as well as in the provision of appropriate responses, including countermeasures against the use of chemical warfare agents or incidents involving toxic chemicals. The course also included an introduction to the use of individual protective equipment, and to monitoring, detection, and decontamination of toxic chemicals.
The course facilitated the exchange of information and experiences among the participants regarding implementation of Article X of the Chemical Weapons Convention. It concluded with a comprehensive exercise incorporating the use of sampling techniques.
* Argentina, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, India, Jordan, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Sudan, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia