The Director-General of OPCW, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, addressed the opening session of the World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management.
During a visit to Tbilisi on 2 and 3 June the OPCW Director-General, Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, held meetings with H.E. Mrs Maia Panjikidze, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Mr Dimitri Kumsiashvili, First Deputy Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development; Dr Tamaz Marsagishvili, Deputy Minister of Education and Science; and Mr Mikeil Darchiashvili, Deputy Minister of Defence.
The Director-General briefed the officials on the OPCW’s most recent activities in implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), including the mission to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons programme and progress toward eliminating remaining chemical weapons stockpiles globally. He expressed appreciation for Georgia’s strong support for the work of the OPCW, in particular its efforts to strengthen CWC implementation in the region and to promote universal adherence to the Convention.
The Director-General also addressed the opening session of the World Congress on CBRNe Science and Consequence Management. In his remarks he noted that the CWC had specific provisions for assisting States Parties to develop capacities for dealing with chemical attacks and incidents, and outlined several cooperative programmes that the OPCW is pursuing to this end.