Participants at a workshop on assistance and protection for States Parties in the Latin America and Caribbean (GRULAC) region, which was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
A workshop on assistance and protection for States Parties in the Latin America and Caribbean (GRULAC) region was held from 15 to 17 October 2013 in Buenos Aires for 17 experts from 13 States Parties.* The workshop was co-organised by the OPCW and Argentina’s National Authority with financial support from the European Union.
The workshop addressed the needs and capacities of States Parties in the region for delivering assistance through the OPCW as mandated in Article X of the Chemical Weapons Convention. Participants discussed ways and means to enhance regional coordination, with a view to achieving timely and effective emergency responses to chemical attacks and to incidents involving toxic industrial chemicals.
The workshop also served as a platform for exchanging information and experience regarding emergency response mechanisms in the participating countries.
* Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru and Uruguay.