Participants and OPCW representatives at the Regional Course on Chemical Emergency Response, which was held in Brazil from from 26 to 30 August 2013.
The Government of the Republic of Brazil and the OPCW jointly organised the Regional Assistance Course on Chemical Emergency Response for Lusophone Countries in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 26 to 30 August 2013. Fourteen participants from five States Parties* were trained and three observers from Angola were sponsored by the OPCW.
The course was related to assistance and protection against chemical weapons under Article X of the Chemical Weapons Convention and offered training in the use of protective equipment, and in monitoring, detection, and decontamination techniques which are used in response to attacks with chemical warfare agents. Participants also acquired knowledge of chemical-emergency responses through field exercises. Selected participants were from national emergency-response agencies involved in dealing with chemical-related incidents with a solid background in the chemistry associated with assistance and protection against chemical weapons.
The course also facilitated the exchange of information and experience regarding the implementation of Article X of the Convention and provided a forum to discuss future cooperation among participating Member States.
*Cape Verde, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé e Príncipe.