The 3-day training took place in Seoul, Republic of Korea from 12-14 April 2011 with 27 participants from 19 States Parties in the region attending.* The course offered comprehensive information on the technical aspects related to the conduct of Article VI inspections by the OPCW, including identification of potentially declarable activities.
The training familiarized participants with OPCW inspection procedures, specifically the rights and obligations of States Parties to facilitate the smooth conduct of inspections. Practical issues relating to the preparations to be made for inspections by National Authorities were addressed, complemented with scenario discussions and group exercises on the practical conduct of inspections.
The training featured a mock inspection exercise at the C J Lion Corporation in Incheon, in which course participants role-played as members of an OPCW inspection team and as national escorts.
Participants also shared experiences of National Authorities in such tasks as creating awareness about the requirements of the Chemical Weapons Convention, on-going contact with facilities to be inspected by the OPCW, and other administrative and logistic arrangements to be made for OPCW inspections.
The course was funded by the European Union under its 2009 Council decision.