Information for Participation by Non-Governmental Organisations to the 15th Session of the Conference of the States Parties

24 October 2010

1. Date and Place

The 15th Session of the Conference of the States Parties (CSP) will be held from 29 November to 3 December 2010 at the World Forum Convention Center, located at Churchillplein 10 in The Hague next to the OPCW headquarters. Additional meetings and functions may be held at the OPCW headquarters.

2. Opening of the Conference

The Fifteenth Session of the CSP will open on Monday, 29 November at 10:30 in the World Forum Theater at the WFCC. Participants are requested to be seated by 10:15.

3. Provisions and Deadline for NGO Registration

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that wish to attend the CSP must apply to the Secretariat of the Conference by 8 November 2009 (see Accreditation, below). Permission to attend will be granted on the decision of the Conference pursuant to rule 33 of the Rules of Procedure of the CSP, with approved NGO entitled to:

a) name tags, which must be worn within the WFCC;
b) access to open meetings of the CSP plenary sessions;
b) display space for literature at designated sites; and 
c) on request, all documents of the 15th Session that are distributed during the CSP, except for Conference Room Papers and other draft documents.

4. NGO Events

NGO Market

The annual meeting of CWC National Authorities will be held just prior to CSP-15 on 26-27 November 2010 in the Ieper Room of the OPCW Technical Secretariat. For those NGOs involved in activities related to national-level CWC implementation, the OPCW Media and Public Affairs office will organise a small 1-day “NGO Market” on-site at the Technical Secretariat on Saturday 27 November to provide an opportunity to present your activities to NA delegates and TS staff and discuss potential collaboration. For more information please contact Ms Menchu Hernandez, Media and Public Affairs branch, Tel: +31 (0)70 416 3722, email:

NGO Exhibits

NGOs are also allocated space in the corridors outside the plenary hall of CSP-15 in the World Forum Conference Center for exhibits and dissemination of information materials. NGOs are asked to reserve a space, table, chairs and other needs by contacting: Ms Menchu Hernandez, OPCW Media and Public Affairs, Tel: +31 (0)70 416 3722, Set-up will take place Sunday, 28 November. It is also kindly requested that NGOs provide the Media and Public Affairs branch one copy of all information materials they intend to distribute prior to their placement on tables.

Open Forum

On the sidelines of the CSP there will be another Open Forum where NGOs will have the opportunity to present on CWC-related issues to delegates, TS staff and other stakeholders. The date is still to be confirmed and will be provided as soon as it is available. Meanwhile, NGOs that are interested to make presentations should contact Mr Michael Luhan, Head/Media and Public Affairs, Tel: +31 (0)70 416 3710 or +31 6 5356 8512, Email:

NGO Coalition meeting

The Chemical Weapons Convention Coalition (CWCC), which was established in December 2009 following a 2-day meeting on the sidelines of last year’s CSP, will hold a meeting on-site at the World Forum Conference Center during CSP-15 that will be open to all member NGOs and invited others. The date(s) for the meeting are still to be confirmed and will be provided when available. For more information on the meeting please contact Ms Marina Voronova of Global Green USA, Tel: +1 202 222 0702, Email:

NGO Booklet

The Media and Public Affairs branch will again publish a booklet with background information on all registered NGOs in the 15th Session for distribution to all Conference participants. Information for the booklet will be taken from the NGO registration forms and can be augmented with logos, photos and other visuals provided with the registration forms.

5. Accreditation

NGOs are requested to submit an application for accreditation that must include the following: names of the delegation, a mission statement or summary of work that includes information on the organization’s purpose, programmes and activities related to the scope of the Conference.

The application form is available online at or may be obtained by contacting the OPCW Media and Public Affairs Branch. The completed application may be sent by email, fax or post to the OPCW Director for External Relations and should be received no later than 1 November 2009.

Please bear in mind that due to enhanced security procedures, the names submitted will not be eligible for later revision. It is therefore advised that organizations submit the composition of their delegation only after careful review.

On the basis of this information, the Secretariat will prepare a list of NGOs for a decision on participation by the Conference. NGOs will receive confirmation that their documentation has been received in order and the name of their organization will be included in the list for submission to the Conference. Such notification will be deemed as provisional accreditation and each member of the NGO’s delegation must produce this notification during the registration process.

A final decision for participation the Conference will be made on 29 November 2010 pursuant to rule 33 of the Rules of Procedure.

6. Registration and Issuance of Identification Badges

All NGOs should register as soon as possible after they arrive in The Hague. For participants who arrive early, pre-registration will be possible from 10:00 to 18:00 on Friday, 26 November 2010 in the reception area of the OPCW headquarters. The registration desk at the WFCC will be open from 10:00 to 18:00 on Sunday, 28 November 2010, and thereafter throughout the Conference from 08:00 to 18:00.

When registered, all NGOs will be issued an OPCW security badge for the Fifteenth Session of the Conference. Security badges must be worn at all times in the Conference area and in official OPCW venues other than the WFCC.

7. Access to Documentation

Copies of official documents and statements will be made available to NGO representatives attending the Session and will also be posted on the OPCW website ( as soon as available. Additional copies may be requested in person at the Documentation Counter opposite the World Forum Theatre.

8. Seating arrangements

Several rows of seats will be reserved for NGO representatives during the Open Debate segment of the Conference in the upper tier of the World Forum Theatre behind the section for State Parties, Signatory States and non-Signatory States.

9. Security screening and other measures

NGOs are advised that metal-detection and x-ray equipment will be installed at all points of entry to the WFCC and that all conference participants will be screened each time they enter the area. The Secretariat appreciates that these security measures may cause some inconvenience but wishes to emphasise that they are taken for the security of all those attending the Conference.

The use of cellular telephones, radio transmitters, recording devices, and cameras may be restricted in certain areas of the WFCC and other venues. Any such restrictions will be clearly posted.

Participants are reminded not to leave briefcases or any valuable items unattended in the meeting rooms. Participants are also advised to carry their valuables safely, especially at railway stations and while on public transport. Reports of Lost/Found items at the Conference should be brought to the attention of Security at their office on the first floor.

10. Visas

NGOs are responsible for obtaining any required visas for entry into the Netherlands, which may be obtained from diplomatic or consular missions of the Netherlands.

NGO delegates whose country of residence does not have a consular mission of the Netherlands may obtain a visa from the mission of another country that is also party to the Schengen Agreement and that is responsible for issuing visas on behalf of the Netherlands.

If you require a Note Verbal to apply for a visa, contact Ms Menchu Hernandez, OPCW Media and Public Affairs, tel: +31 (0)70 416 3722, before 5 November.

Delegates who experience difficulties in obtaining a visa should contact the Secretariat’s Protocol and Visa Branch, tel +31 (0)70 416 3553/3777, fax +31 (0)70 416 3044, or e-mail at