Based on intelligence reports, the “Republic of Daniria” suspects that it may be attacked with chemical weapons by an armed separatist movement in October, possibly during a major sports event. As a State Party of the OPCW, under Article X of the Chemical Weapons Convention Daniria requests the OPCW to provide assistance and protection against the threat of use of chemical weapons, and an investigation of alleged use.
After considering the information provided by Daniria, the OPCW approves the request. The Director-General authorizes the dispatch to Daniria of a team from the Technical Secretariat to assess the threat, and to coordinate assistance and protection should it be needed. The OPCW also mobilizes specialized teams from other States Parties to provide assistance and protection support for the Danirian Government and an investigation of alleged use.
On Wednesday morning, just as a sporting event was to begin at a stadium in Daniria, two vans exploded in the car park that released what appeared to be toxic chemicals. The prevailing winds carried the toxic vapor into a corner of the stadium, where within minutes pandemonium erupts. Spectators are exposed to the vapor and disabled, many of them with symptoms of concentrated exposure.
Units of the Danirian government authority and international teams coordinated by the OPCW arrive on the scene. They undertake detection activities, search and rescue, evacuation of casualties, and bomb detection and disposal. Casualties are rushed to mobile medical units for pre-triage, stabilization and treatment.
At the same time, evidence of suspected toxic chemicals is found in and around the sport stadium, where samples are collected and sent to a mobile laboratory for analysis.