Director-General Pfirter Meets with UN Secretary-General

22 June 2010

During the meeting, discussions centred on the contribution of the OPCW to international peace and security, including the destruction of chemical weapons stockpiles, national implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and promotion of universal adherence to the Convention.  Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and Director-General Pfirter noted the growing importance attached to the work of the OPCW in international fora, including in the context of United Nations Security Council’s, as well as the General Assembly’s, resolutions and decisions relating to the fight against terrorism and more recently in the Final Document adopted by the 2010 NPT Review Conference.

The Secretary-General commended the work carried out by the OPCW over the years under the leadership of Director-General Pfirter and assured him of his continued support for the Organisation and of his intentions to visit the OPCW headquarters in the future. The Director-General, on his part, thanked the Secretary-General for his consistent support both for the OPCW and for him personally.

Press Release 2/2010