Speaker of Slovak Parliament Visits the OPCW

13 May 2009

OPCW Director-General Pfirter welcomed H.E. Mr Paška and provided him an overview of the present status of the implementation of the CWC. 

On 13 May 2009, the Speaker of the Parliament (National Council) of the Slovak Republic, H.E. Mr Pavol Paška, accompanied by members of the Slovak Parliament, visited the Headquarters of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) and met its Director-General, Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter.

Director-General Pfirter welcomed H.E. Mr Paška and provided him an overview of the present status of the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention’s (CWC), including: the verified destruction of the declared stockpiles of chemical weapons, as well as the continuing verification at industrial sites that represents the key to the OPCW’s non-proliferation efforts. Director-General Pfirter also briefed the visiting Slovak delegation about the significance of the Organisation’s programmes in the areas of assistance and protection, and international cooperation in the field of the peaceful uses of chemistry.

In their meeting, Director-General Pfirter highlighted the importance of achieving universal adherence to the Convention and its effective implementation at the national level, and underlined the OPCW’s continuing efforts in these areas.

H.E. Mr Paška conveyed the Slovak Republic’s firm commitment to the goals of the Convention and assured the Director-General of his country’s continuing support for the work of the OPCW.

On behalf of the Organisation, Director-General Pfirter expressed his appreciation for the Slovak Republic’s unwavering support to the mandate of the Organisation, and noted the strong and enduring ties between the OPCW and the Slovak Republic.

OPCW News 20 /2009, distributed 22 May 2009