Course on the enhancement of skills in analysing chemicals related to the CWC, Helsinki, Finland

30 March 2009
Main entrance of the VERIFIN.

Main entrance of the VERIFIN.

1. On behalf of the Finnish Institute for Verification of the Chemical Weapons Convention (VERIFIN) and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the Director-General wishes to invite applications from representatives of laboratories in Member States to attend a two-week course on the enhancement of skills in analysing chemicals related to the Chemical Weapons Convention (hereinafter “the Convention”) using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), to be held at VERIFIN, the University of Helsinki, Finland, from 7 to 18 September 2009.

2. The course, which will be organised by VERIFIN with the support of the OPCW, is intended both for laboratories that are active or plan to become active in the analysis of chemicals related to the Convention, and for those that are participating or intend to participate in OPCW proficiency testing.

3. The goal of the course is to improve practical skills in analysing chemicals related to the Convention through such techniques as LC-MS. For this reason, participants should have previous experience using LC or MS. Participants will first be introduced to the preparation of samples and to the theoretical aspects of LC and LC-MS. They will then be given demonstrations of LC and LC-MS techniques, and will pair up to do practical exercises.

4. The course will consist of the following elements:

(a) the preparation of samples;

(b) the theory of LC and LC-MS;

(c) demonstrations of LC and LC-MS techniques;

(d) practical exercises; and

(e) quality assurance and the maintenance of instruments.

5. The course will accommodate a maximum of four participants from Member States whose economies are developing. The Technical Secretariat (hereinafter “the Secretariat”) will select the participants in consultation with VERIFIN.

6. For all participants, the Secretariat will cover the costs of international travel, medical insurance, and visas, and will provide a terminal allowance and a daily allowance for meals and incidental expenses. When making international travel arrangements, the Secretariat will seek the most economical options. It will purchase tickets and send either the tickets themselves or prepaid-ticket advice or e-tickets to the participants. The Secretariat will not cover expenses unrelated to the course or that result from unauthorised changes to travel arrangements.

7. The Secretariat will also pay for the accommodation that VERIFIN will reserve for all participants in a hotel close to the centre of Helsinki. Participants must cover the costs of any other hotel expenses they incur. Further information on hotel reservations can be obtained from the contact person at VERIFIN, Mr Heikki Björk, whose details are given in paragraph 11 below.

8. Participants are requested to obtain any necessary visas before travelling to Finland. As noted above, the Secretariat will cover the costs of these visas by reimbursing participants upon production of original receipts. VERIFIN will send information to the selected participants on applying for Schengen visas.

9. All course activities will be conducted in English, and no interpretation services of any kind will be provided. Participants are therefore expected to have a good command of the English language, both written and oral.

10. Applicants from laboratories in Member States are invited to complete the form annexed hereto, making sure to provide all the information it requests, including contact details. To facilitate communication with the Secretariat and VERIFIN, each applicant must provide an e-mail address or a fax number. The completed form, together with a curriculum vitae and a recommendation from the National Authority or from the Permanent Representation of the applicant’s country, should either be posted to the Head, International Cooperation Branch, International Cooperation and Assistance Division, OPCW, Johan de Wittlaan 32, 2517 JR The Hague, the Netherlands, or faxed to +31 (0)70 416 3279 or +31 (0)70 306 3535. All applications must be received by the Secretariat no later than 12 May 2009.

11. Additional information about application and sponsorship procedures may be obtained from the OPCW by writing to the address given above, by sending an e-mail message to, or by telephoning Ms Julia Gonzales at +31 (0)70 416 3239. Additional information on the course itself can also be found on the VERIFIN website, Any questions about the content of the course or about local arrangements may be addressed to Mr Heikki Björk at VERIFIN by sending a fax to +358 (0)9 191 50437, or by sending an e-mail message to