Technical Secretariat to release software to assist Member States in creating their Article VI declarations: EDNA Electronic Declarations tool for National Authorities

25 November 2008
CD cover of the Electronic Declarations software for National Authorities (EDNA)

CD cover of the Electronic Declarations software for National Authorities (EDNA)

The Technical Secretariat will ensure that EDNA is kept current and updated to reflect applicable guidelines and any decisions made on the implementation of Article VI declaration requirements. To facilitate the use of EDNA, the Technical Secretariat will provide support and training to States Parties.

EDNA Version 1.0

The first version of EDNA, version 1.0, covers the declaration of: Aggregate National Data (AND), and Other Chemical production facilities (OCPF). The software supports the creation of declarations in electronic format for uploading to the Verification Information System (VIS). Once created, the electronic declaration should be transmitted to the Secretariat on a CD-ROM by an authorised representative from the State Party. The software also supports the creation of declarations in hard copy according to the standard forms contained within the Declarations Handbook.

EDNA allows for the import and export of electronic Article VI declarations and contains a database for handling declaration data as well as additional information not submitted as part of the declaration. The electronic declaration can be created through guide data entry or modification of an existing electronic declaration. To facilitate the declaration of chemicals included in Aggregate National Data, the electronic Chemicals Database developed by the Secretariat has been integrated into EDNA.