OPCW Director-General Meets the Foreign Minister of Peru

23 July 2008
H.E. Mr José Antonio García Belaunde, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Peru.

H.E. Mr José Antonio García Belaunde, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Peru.

H.E. Mr José Antonio García Belaunde, the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Peru, paid an official visit to the OPCW on 14 July 2008 and met with the Director-General, Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter.

Foreign Minister García Belaunde reiterated his Government’s firm support for the OPCW and for full implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention. He also commended the OPCW’s commitment to eliminating an entire category of weapons of mass destruction and thereby contributing to a safer world for future generations.

The Director-General provided Foreign Minister García Belaunde with an overview of the status of implementation of the Convention, highlighting its importance as a key disarmament and non-proliferation instrument to banish forever the scourge of chemical weapons. He also stressed the importance of effective implementation of the Convention as a contribution to the international community’s efforts to deal effectively with global security challenges.

On behalf of the OPCW, the Director-General expressed satisfaction with the excellent relationship between the Government of Peru and the OPCW, and acknowledged with appreciation the valuable contribution made by the Peruvian Government in support of the goals of the Organisation.

In this connection, Foreign Minister García Belaunde informed the Director-General that the Peruvian Congress passed Law 29239 on 29 May 2008 on control measures for chemical substances which may be used to produce chemical weapons. He added that with this legal instrument, Peru has completed the legal framework for implementation of the