Summary of the Fifty-Second Session of the Executive Council

7 March 2008
His Excellency Mr Romeo A. Arguelles, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Philippines to the OPCW

His Excellency Mr Romeo A. Arguelles, Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Philippines to the OPCW

The Chairperson of the Executive Council, Ambassador Romeo A. Arguelles of the Philippines, opened its Fifty-Second Session on 4 March 2008.

The Vice-Chairpersons and coordinators for clusters of issues reported to the Council on the informal consultations that had been held during the intersessional period: Ambassador Richard Ryan of Ireland on chemical weapons issues, Ambassador Benchaâ Dani of Algeria on chemical-industry and other Article VI issues, Ambassador Cecilia Mackenna Echaurren of Chile on administrative and financial issues, and Ambassador Kirill Gevorgian of the Russian Federation on legal, organisational, and other issues. The Chairperson also reported on his own activities on behalf of the Council during the intersessional period.


Detailed plans for verification of the destruction of chemical weapons


Further to its consideration of this issue at previous sessions, the Council considered amendments to the agreed detailed plan for verification of the destruction of chemical weapons at the Newport Chemical Agent Disposal Facility, Newport, Indiana, the United States of America and decided to consider them further at its next regular Session.

Further to its consideration of this issue at previous sessions, the Council considered the agreed detailed plan for verification of the destruction of the Category 1 chemical weapons at the Maradykovsky chemical weapons destruction facility (CWDF), Kirovskaya Oblast, the Russian Federation and decided to consider it further at its next regular Session.

Further to its consideration of this issue at previous sessions, the Council considered amendments to the agreed detailed plan for verification of the destruction of chemical weapons at the Pine Bluff Binary Destruction Facility, located in Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas, the United States of America and decided to consider them further at its next regular Session.

The Council considered the agreed detailed plan for verification of the destruction of the Category 1 chemical weapons at Leonidovka CWDF, Penzenskaya Oblast, the Russian Federation and decided to consider it further at its next regular Session.


Conversion of chemical weapons production facilities


The Council noted a Note by the Director-General on notification by the Russian Federation of changes at the former chemical weapons production facility (lewisite production, second train), Open Joint Stock Company “Sibur-Neftekhim” “Kaprolaktam” Plant, Dzerzhinsk, the Russian Federation.


Progress made in meeting revised deadlines for the destruction of chemical weapons


The Council noted the Note by the Director-General on the progress made by those States Parties that have been granted extensions of deadlines for the destruction of their Category 1 chemical weapons.

The Council reaffirmed the obligation of possessor States Parties to destroy their chemical weapons within the extended deadlines, in accordance with the relevant decisions by the Conference of the States Parties (hereinafter “the Conference”) at its Eleventh Session.

Further to a decision by the Conference at its Eleventh Session (C-11/DEC.15, dated 8 December 2006), the Council considered and noted a national paper by the Libya Arab Jamahiriya entitled “Report on the Progress of Destruction of Category 1 and 2 Chemical Weapons Stockpiles”.

Further to a decision by the Conference at its Eleventh Session (C-11/DEC.12, dated 8 December 2006), the Council considered and noted a national paper by A State Party entitled “Report on Destruction Activities during the Extension Period”.

Further to a decision by the Conference at its Eleventh Session (C-11/DEC.16, dated 8 December 2006), the Council considered and noted a national paper by India entitled “Report on CW Destruction Activities during the Extension Period after 29 April 2007”.

Further to a decision by the Conference at its Eleventh Session (C-11/DEC.17, dated 8 December 2006), the Council considered and noted a national paper by the United States of America entitled “Report to the Executive Council: Destruction Activity As at 31 December 2007, Third Report”.

Further to receiving at its previous session the report by the Chairperson of the Council on the visit to Anniston Chemical Agent Disposal Facility, the United States of America, the Council considered the report. The Council expressed its appreciation for the efforts of the Chairperson of the Council and the delegation.

The Council noted that there was a divergence of views on the report and that both appreciation and concerns were expressed.

The Council also recalled decision C-11/DEC.20, dated 8 December 2006, and emphasised that these visits shall take place as a means of addressing questions or concerns about a State Party’s programme for fulfilling its obligations on chemical weapons destruction within its extended deadline. The Council requested that reports on visits adequately reflect the questions and concerns raised.

The Council reaffirmed that nothing in visit reports shall in any way affect the obligation of possessor States Parties to destroy all of their Category 1 chemical weapons by the extended deadlines under the terms of the Convention.

Further to a decision by the Conference at its Eleventh Session (C-11/DEC.18, dated 8 December 2006), the Council considered and noted a national paper by the Russian Federation entitled “Report on CW Destruction Activity at the End of the Current 90-Day Period after 29 April 2007 (as at 31 December 2007)”.

Further to a decision by the Council at its Forty-Sixth Session, the Council considered and noted a national paper by China entitled “Report on the status of Japanese Abandoned Chemical Weapons in China” (EC-52/NAT.3, dated 23 January 2008). The Council also considered and noted a national paper by Japan entitled “The Report of the Current Status of the ACW Projects in China (Reporting Period: from 1 October to 31 December 2007)”.


Status of implementation of Article XI


The Council considered a report by the Director-General on the status of implementation of Article XI of the Convention as at 31 December 2007 (EC-52/DG.4, dated 7 February 2008, and Corr.1, dated 19 February 2008) and decided to consider it further at its next regular Session.

The facilitator on this matter, Mr Li Hong of China, briefed the Council on the consultations held during the intersessional period.


Facility agreements


Further to its consideration of this issue at its previous session, the Council considered and approved a facility arrangement between the OPCW and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding on-site inspections at the Schedule 2 Plant Site, Ellesmere Port Incineration Plant, Cleanaway Limited, located at Ellesmere Port, Cheshire.


Implementation by the Technical Secretariat in 2007 of the regime governing the handling of confidential information


The Council considered and noted a report by the Director-General on the implementation of the regime governing the handling of confidential information by the Secretariat in 2007.


OPCW Central Analytical Database


The Director-General has submitted to this Session of the Council a Note containing lists of new validated data. The Council considered said lists and decided to consider them further at its next regular Session.


Report on the implementation in 2007 of the recommendations of the External Auditor


The Council considered a Note by the Secretariat on the status of implementation of the recommendations of the External Auditor and decided to consider it further at its next regular Session.


Establishment of an OPCW Office in Africa


In accordance with a recommendation of the Council at its Twenty-Sixth Meeting, the Conference at its Eleventh Session adopted a decision on the establishment of an OPCW Office in Africa (C-11/DEC.10, dated 8 December 2006), in which it extended to its Twelfth Session the provisions of C-10/DEC.13, dated 10 November 2005, and requested the Secretariat to continue its efforts to assist the Council in implementing it.

The Council at its Fiftieth Session welcomed the Director-General’s initiative on the OPCW Programme to Strengthen Cooperation with Africa on the Chemical Weapons Convention and requested further information in this regard, including budgetary implications, if any, for additional activities in future years. The Council noted the African States Parties’ support for the Programme as well as their call that it continue to take into account inputs by the African Group, and also emphasised the importance of close involvement of the key donors and other interested parties.

The Council recalled that, at its Fiftieth Session, the Director-General had indicated that the Programme to Strengthen Cooperation with Africa consisted in part of activities already included in the approved OPCW Programme and Budget, and that, to the extent that this was not the case, such activities would be financed through voluntary contributions.

The Council requested the Director-General to implement the Programme to Strengthen Cooperation with Africa as soon as possible, as well as to provide feedback on a regular basis on the activities and progress made in this regard.

The Council also noted that further consideration would be given during its Fifty-Fourth Session to the establishment of an OPCW Office in Africa, taking into account the progress achieved in the implementation of the Programme to Strengthen Cooperation with Africa.



Agreements on the privileges and immunities of the OPCW


The Council considered and concluded agreements between the OPCW and the Republics of El Salvador and Serbia on the privileges and immunities of the OPCW.


Convening of the Third Special Session of the Conference of the States Parties to amend Rule 8 of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference


The Council requested the Conference to convene a Special Session on 7 April 2008 to amend Rule 8 of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference, and with regard to Rules 17 and 93 of the Rules of Procedure of the Conference and pursuant to Rule 16 of its Rules of Procedure, drew up the agenda for the Third Special Session of the Conference.


Election of the Chairperson and Vice-Chairpersons of the Executive Council


In accordance with Rule 6 of its Rules of Procedure, and with effect from 12 May 2008, the Council elected Ambassador Oksana Tomová of Slovakia as its new Chairperson for a term of office ending on 11 May 2009, and the representatives to the Council of Algeria, Costa Rica, Germany, and the Islamic Republic of Iran as its new Vice-Chairpersons for the same period.


Composition of the Advisory Body on Administrative and Financial Matters


The Council approved the appointment of Mr Jonathan Wolstenholme to the Advisory Body on Administrative and Financial Matters, retroactive to 23 January 2008, the date of his letter of nomination.

The Chairperson closed the Session on 7 March 2008.