OPCW Director-General Attends Chemical Industry Meeting in Germany

17 March 2008

The Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter, visited Germany on 5 March 2008 at the invitation of the Verband der Chemischen Industrie e. V. (VCI), the German chemical industry association.

Speaking to the Trade Policy Meeting of VCI with board members of the German chemical industry present, Director-General Pfirter stressed that the chemical industry is a key stakeholder in the Chemical Weapons Convention and a very important partner in the work of the OPCW. He also emphasised that the productive relationship between the Organisation and chemical industry is unique, mutually beneficial and crucial to promoting full implementation of the CWC, in particular with regard to the non-proliferation regime.

Director-General Pfirter further noted that the Second Review Conference, from 7 to 18 April 2008, will provide an opportunity for OPCW Members States to reaffirm the critical importance of the CWC to the goals of international peace and security. The Conference will assess the operation of the Convention over the past 5 years, consider implementation challenges, and provide strategic direction for the future.

Director-General Pfirter said Member States, the chemical industry, academia and civil society organisations all have vital roles to play in ensuring that the OPCW maintains the capacity to respond to the future implementation challenges. He also drew attention to the pace of progress in science and possible discovery of new chemicals with properties that will make them relevant to the CWC.

Director-General Pfirter thanked the German chemical industry for its steadfast support in ensuring full implementation of the Convention and its extensive cooperation in the framework of industry inspections under the CWC.

VCI is an association of 1,600 German chemical industries and German subsidiaries and represents over 90% of the entire German chemical industry.