On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Entry into Force of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the founding of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran, H.E. Dr Manouchehr Mottaki, sent the following message to the OPCW:
“In the name of the Almighty
Two decades ago, the international community, was shocked by massive use of Chemical Weapons by Saddam\’s regime against Iran and its own people in Halabjeh. Though, regrettably this event did not yield necessary reaction by the relevant international organizations at the time. The international community later, due to horrifying consequences of the use of Chemical weapons against Iran, realized the imperative of concluding a comprehensive legally binding instrument on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of these inhuman weapons and on their Destruction.
Accordingly, a long held aspiration of international community to eradicate a complete category of WMD was realized by the conclusion of the CWC.
The Convention came to existence with certain objectives, the most important of which were total elimination of Chemical Weapons and promotion of free trade in chemicals among State Parties as well as international cooperation in the field of chemistry for peaceful purposes.
A decade has passed since the EIF of the Convention. The achievements so far are notable. An organization for the prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is established to achieve the objectives of the Convention. The OPCW has registered a successful record. However, much remains to be accomplished.
The universality of the Convention is one of the primary objectives of the Convention, which requires further continued vigor.
The elimination of all weapons of mass destruction in-particular chemical weapons shall be pursued as a matter of urgency. The destruction of chemical weapons shall be accomplished under the terms of the convention. We shall not rest while the WMD continues to threaten the human kind.
Our children need to live free from any fear of WMD. We shall make every effort to ensure that the last century’s horrible event which made the Islamic Republic of Iran a victim of chemical weapons will not be repeated. I hope Iran would remain the last victim of chemical weapons. This aspiration could be achieved by the full, effective and non-discriminatory implementation of all provisions of the Convention.
In conclusion, to seize the momentum of the Tenth Anniversary of the EIF of the Convention, the OPCW as well as States Parties should take specific measures to provide assistance and care for the survivors of the use of chemical weapons in Iran and Iraq by the former Iraqi regime. ”
PR49 / 2007