On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Entry into Force of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the founding of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chile, H.E. Mr Alejandro Foxley Rioseco, sent a message of congratulations to the OPCW and its Director-General, Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter.
In recalling that Chile has assumed with particular enthusiasm its commitment as a State Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention, Foreign Minister Foxley Rioseco noted with special satisfaction the Convention now numbers 182 States Parties, which makes it one of the most successful non-proliferation and arms control organisations. On this important anniversary, Foreign Minister Foxley Rioseco reiterated Chile’s commitment to continuing working, in close contact with the Technical Secretariat, over which Director-General Pfirter efficiently presides, to achieve the total eradication of chemical weapons within the stipulated deadlines, the Convention’s fundamental aim.
Looking towards the future, Foreign Minister Foxley Rioseco referred to the meeting of CWC National Authorities from the Latin American and Caribbean region gathering in Santiago, Chile, from 29 to 31 May, at which he and the Chilean authorities are honoured to receive Director-General Pfirter and to utilize this meeting as an important opportunity to further strengthen the links between his Government and the OPCW to carry on the effort to attain the objectives set forth in the Convention.
PR43 / 2007