OPCW Director-General Visits Pakistan

17 November 2005

The Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter, paid an official visit to Pakistan from 15 to 17 November 2005.

OPCW Director-General Pfirter met the Prime Minister of Pakistan, H.E. Mr Shaukat Aziz. In his meeting with Prime Minister Aziz, Director-General Pfirter provided an overview of the status of the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the Organisation’s efforts to achieve the CWC’s universal and effective implementation, as well as the on-going cooperation between Pakistan and the OPCW. Director-General Pfirter informed Prime Minister Aziz that 175 States had joined the CWC. The Organisation continues its efforts to reach out to the remaining nineteen States that have not yet joined the CWC. On behalf of the Organisation, he also extended his condolences to the Government and the people of Pakistan for the tragedy caused by the recent earthquake in the northern part of the country.

Prime Minister Aziz reiterated the strong commitment of his country to the aims and objectives of the CWC and assured Director General Pfirter of Pakistan’s full support for the work of the OPCW.

The OPCW Director-General also met H.E Mr Khursid M. Kasuri, Foreign Minister of Pakistan, and H.E. Mr Riaz Mohammad Khan, Foreign Secretary of Pakistan. During their discussions, Director-General Pfirter underscored the crucial importance of achieving universal and effective national implementation of the CWC’s provisions, to guarantee that an entire category of weapons of mass destruction —chemical weapons— are eliminated and may never re-appear. He noted that this objective had grown in importance at a time when the world was confronted with the threat of global terrorism and the risk that these weapons of mass destruction could be acquired and used by terrorists. Director-General Pfirter was informed that Pakistan had adopted comprehensive legislation to enact the Convention.

Foreign Minister Kasuri also stressed that Pakistan was resolved to fulfill its obligations under the CWC and its support of the OPCW was strong and unwavering.

Ambassador Pfirter expressed his appreciation for the invaluable cooperation provided by the Government of Pakistan and looked forward to Pakistan’s continuing, active involvement in the work of the Organisation.

At the Foreign Ministry, Director-General Pfirter also met Mr Tariq Osman Hyder, Additional Foreign Secretary, with whom he discussed Pakistan’s on-going cooperation with the OPCW.

Director-General Pfirter met in addition the Head of the National Authority of Pakistan, Mr Rafi Uz Zaman Khan, Director General of the Disarmament Coordination Cell. In their discussions, they addressed the implementation of the CWC. The Head of the CWC National Authority stated that Pakistan would continue to implement the CWC, in particular those provisions applicable to relevant chemical industrial activities.

On the occasion of his visit, Ambassador Pfirter also had the opportunity to address the faculty and students of the National Defence College.
