OPCW Analytical Skills Development Course 2005

15 July 2005

The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), in collaboration with the Delft University of Technology, has organised the Second Analytical Skills Development course, which received generous funding support from the European Union. The course, which commenced on 24 June and concluded on 8th July 2005, was conducted at the ChemTech Department of the Delft University of Technology. The OPCW Deputy Director-General, Mr Brian Hawtin, at the closing ceremony reiterated that the Analytical Skills Development Course demonstrates the strong commitment of the Member States to foster international cooperation for peaceful purposes in the field of chemical activities.

This course serves to enhance Member States’ economic and technological development through international cooperation in the field of chemical activities for purposes not prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), which is one of the CWC’s core objectives. During their two-week training, twenty qualified analytical chemists from OPCW Member States, whose economies are developing or in transition, enhanced their skills and capabilities in analytical chemistry, facilitating the adoption of sound laboratory practices and the analysis of chemicals related to the CWC.

Mr Brian Hawtin emphasised the crucial relevance of enhancing such scientific and technological capacities to meet the needs of verification under the Chemical Weapons Convention and for many other purposes, including public and occupational health surveillance; monitoring the quality of the environment, food, drinking water, consumer goods and products of trade; monitoring pharmaceuticals and drugs; monitoring chemical waste, as well as to be able to respond adequately to chemical emergencies. He noted that many of these activities are essential for the economic and technological development of the Member States concerned and are an important step forward in the efforts of the OPCW to intensify international cooperation programmes. On behalf of the OPCW, Mr Hawtin expressed his appreciation to the European Union and to Delft University for the invaluable support provided to this essential capacity-building effort.
