Argentina Expresses Full Support for the Chemical Weapons Convention and the OPCW

14 September 2004

In the course of the Buenos Aires technical meeting on customs-related aspects of the Convention’s regime, convened by the National Authorities that implement the Chemical Weapons Convention, the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Mr Rogelio Pfirter, met with high officials of the Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Authority, the Ministry of Industry and the Argentine Customs, responsible for the implementation of the Convention’s toxic chemicals transfer regime.

H.E. Mr Rafael Antonio Bielsa, Foreign Minister of Argentina, reiterated his Government’s full commitment to the goals of the chemical weapons ban, as well as for the OPCW’s work in implementing the ban globally.

The Foreign Minister reaffirmed his Government’s commitment to achieving the universality of the Convention and its full and effective implementation, including through monitoring chemical transfers and customs control in compliance with United Nations´ Security Council Resolution 1540, calling upon all States to join the international treaties that ban weapons of mass destruction and to ensure their non-proliferation.

On 10 September 2004, H.E. Mr Jorge Taiana, the Vice Minister of External Relations, issued a press statement voicing the full support of the Government of Argentina for the OPCW, and in particular for the work of OPCW Director-General, Ambassador Pfirter, recalling his contributions in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation. Mr Taiana stressed “the satisfaction of the Argentine Government at seeing a distinguished Argentine diplomat at the helm of an important international organisation, entrusted with a crucial mission to enhance peace and security.”

On behalf of the OPCW, the Director-General acknowledged with appreciation the valuable contribution made by the Argentine Government in the full and effective implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
