OPCW Director-General Commends the Interim Iraqi Government’s Commitment to Non-proliferation, Future Adherence to Chemical Weapons Convention

20 July 2004

A Press Release issued on 11 July 2004 by the Office of the National Security Advisor of the Interim Government of Iraq states that the Iraqi government “is committed to all international norms related to non-proliferation, including prohibition of the development, production and acquisition of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons and their delivery systems”.

The statement declares Iraq’s intention to adhere to all applicable non-proliferation treaties and regimes, including the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), once an elected Iraqi government will come into office with the authority to adopt legally?binding obligations and commitments.

The Director-General of the Technical Secretariat of the OPCW, Mr Rogelio Pfirter, welcomed the statement and commended the interim Iraqi Government for its announcement. He also expressed the full support and readiness of the Technical Secretariat to extend any assistance the Iraqi authorities might require in the process of moving towards adherence to the Chemical Weapons Convention.

This welcome decision by Iraq will help to bring closer the desired goal of a chemical weapon-free world, and at the same time strengthen the efforts towards achieving the important goal of universal adherence to the Chemical Weapons Convention in the Middle East. It is hoped that Iraq’s commitment will help other important countries in that region to join the ever increasing family of nations that have proscribed chemical weapons once and for all.
