Deputy Foreign Minister for Security Policy of the Czech Republic Mr Jan Winkler Visits the OPCW

10 March 2004

During his visit to the headquarters of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), H.E. Mr Jan Winkler, Deputy Foreign Minister for Security Policy of the Czech Republic, received a briefing on the status of the Convention’s implementation from the OPCW’s Acting Director-General, Mr Brian Hawtin, and from staff of the Technical Secretariat.

Mr Winkler discussed his country’s contribution to the Organisation and reaffirmed his Government’s strong commitment to the goals of the Chemical Weapons Convention.

In addition, Mr Winkler and Mr Hawtin reviewed the status of the destruction of chemical weapons, Libya’s recent accession to the Convention, as well as the introduction of the results-based budgeting format in the forthcoming budget.

Mr Hawtin commended the continuing and invaluable support of the Government of the Czech Republic for the Organisation’s programmes for inspector training and assistance and protection in the event of the use or threat of use of chemical weapons against any Member State.
