Destruction of Chemical Weapons in Libya Commences on 27 February 2004

26 February 2004

The Chemical Weapons Convention entered into force for Libya on 5 February 2004.

On 20 February 2004, the Libyan authorities submitted to the OPCW a partial initial declaration of their chemical weapons stockpiles. A complete declaration will be submitted by 5 March 2004.

By providing the partial declaration, Libya informed the OPCW that it intends to begin destruction of over 3300 unfilled bombs intended for delivery of chemical weapons on 27 February 2004. This will be done under the OPCW verification regime and in accordance with a detailed plan for verification of destruction of these weapons as agreed between the Technical Secretariat of the OPCW and the Libyan authorities.

An OPCW inspection team has now arrived in Libya for that purpose.

The OPCW inspectors presently in Libya will carry out an inventory of all munitions prior to destruction. Destruction operations will be conducted subsequently under stringent international verification with the continuous presence of OPCW inspectors at the destruction facility throughout the period of the destruction campaign. The irreversible destruction of these unfilled chemical munitions is planned to be completed by 5 March 2004.

By 5 March 2004, the OPCW will receive the remainder of the initial declaration from Libya, following which it will develop the plans for the destruction of all remaining chemical weapons and related facilities in Libya. The OPCW ensures that Member States are fulfilling their obligations through the stringent international verification regime as stipulated by the Chemical Weapons Convention.

Referring to the start of the destruction campaign in Libya the Director-General of the Technical Secretariat, Mr Rogelio Pfirter, stated, “This is a very positive step and a confirmation of Libya’s intention to actually get rid of prohibited weapons. In a wider sense, one must see today’s events as a confirmation of the validity and importance of multilateralism in the field of disarmament and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction”.
