Member States Provide Voluntary Contributions to the OPCW in 2002

14 January 2003

Over the past months, the Member States of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) have provided generous support to the Organization’s programs and thereby ensuring the strict implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, banning chemical weapons.

On behalf of the Technical Secretariat, OPCW Director-General, Mr Rogelio Pfirter gratefully acknowledges this crucial support, noting, “The Member States recognize the benefits this Organisation provides, both for their security and development. The Member States are to be commended for their generous voluntary contributions, especially since these contributions strengthen the Organisation’s ability to stringently implement the Convention, which serves the interests of the international community as a whole.”

Most recently, several Member States have provided the following voluntary contributions :

* Canada: support for the Associate Program, a specialized training program for chemists and chemical engineers from developing and transitional economies;

* Italy: support for all OPCW programs;

* Korea: support for international cooperation and assistance programs in 2003;

* New Zealand: support for an OPCW workshop in Thailand;

* Norway: support for the implementation of Article X, to provide assistance and protection to any Member State requesting assistance in event of the threat or actual use of chemical weapons;

* United Kingdom: support for the Associate Program and for the off-site sample transport system;

* United States: support for the inspection and verification regime, as well as for international cooperation, including support to enhance national measures to combat chemical terrorism.
