Bangladesh Pays its Assessed Contribution to the OPCW 2002 Budget

4 July 2002

Bangladesh has paid in full its annual assessed contribution to the 2002 budget of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

78 of the 145 Member States of the Organisation have now paid their contributions in full. The total amount of the fully and partially paid contributions to the 2002 OPCW budget equals 95.7 % of the total amount assessed to the Member States in 2002.

The contribution of Bangladesh and the other 77 Member States, which have paid their assessed contributions in full, are greatly appreciated.

Timely and complete payment of the assessed contribution is an obligation of each State Party to the Chemical Weapons Convention. These contributions are essential to ensure the effective implementation of the Convention. Therefore, the remaining 67 Member States are urged to provide their full contribution as soon as possible.
