Voluntary Assistance for Programme Activities of the OPCW

11 March 2002

An increasing number of Member States of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) are finding specific ways to provide additional support for its programme activities at a time when the Organisation is confronting funding uncertainties. These initiatives range from additional contributions to the Voluntary Fund for Assistance, and financial support for workshops, seminars and conferences (including the provision of services and facilities), to the replacement of outdated information technology and software, and funding for new training programmes and for consultancy services.

The Member States’ voluntary contributions help the OPCW to achieve its urgent mandate – the global elimination of chemical weapons stocks and of the threat of chemical weapons. Examples of major contributions received since last year, when the structural problems with the Organisation’s funding arrangements became a serious concern, are set out in an information table, which is annexed to this press release.

Further contributions will be announced when they are made available. The Director-General of the OPCW, Ambassador José M. Bustani, acknowledged that the generosity of the Member States in supporting the OPCW’s work is essential, particularly in these times of financial uncertainty for the Organisation.




Hosted the Fifth Annual Assistance Coordination Workshop in Vienna, Austria, 15-18 October 2001


Hosted the Regional Workshop on the Chemical Weapons Convention for the South Pacific Region in Melbourne, Australia, 30 April – 3 May 2001


Hosting of the Third Regional National Authority Meeting and the International Seminar on Civil Defence Assistance and Protection Against Chemical Weapons, 25 – 27 March 2002


Financial support for the University of Surrey component of the Associate ProgrammeOffer of sponsorship of an experts’ workshop on import/export controls, October 2002Contribution of CND 15,000 towards the regional seminar in Jamaica in December 2001 Loan of a consultant to support the audit of the Security Critical NetworkDonation of equipment supplied by Aerospace Canada Limited and Acton Rubber


Hosted the second Regional Meeting of National Authorities in Latin America and the Caribbean, 27 – 29 March 2001


Hosting the First OPCW Exercise on Assistance (ASSITEX),10 – 14 September 2002

Czech Republic

All in-country costs for annual civil protection course


Evaluation of test results for the eleventh proficiency test


Loan of a consultant to support the audit of the Security Critical Network


Loan of a consultant to support the audit of the Security Critical Network


Offer to host medical symposium on treatment of chemical weapons casualties


Hosted the regional seminar on universality of the Chemical Weapons Convention in St. Ann, Jamaica, 26 – 28 November 2001


Loan of a consultant to support the audit of the Security Critical Network


Additional contribution of EUR 200,000 to the Voluntary Fund for Assistance Offer to sponsor a challenge inspection exercise


Contribution of EUR 100,000 to sponsor activities related to Article X (Assistance and Protection against the use or threat of use of chemical weapons) for Member States in the Baltic regionContribution of EUR 12,900 towards the Chemical Weapons Convention Workshop held in Khartoum, Sudan in March 2002


Contribution of USD 5,000 towards the workshop on the Chemical Weapons Convention in Khartoum, Sudan in March 2002

Republic of Korea

Preparation of test samples for the twelfth proficiency test

Slovak Republic

Hosting of First Regional Meeting of National Authorities of States Parties in Eastern Europe, in Dunajska Streda, Slovak Republic,15 – 17 April 2002


Hosted a workshop on the Chemical Weapons Convention in Khartoum, Sudan, 9 – 11 March 2002


Hosting of the annual chemical support training course. Contribution of EUR 10,000 towards the workshop on the Chemical Weapons Convention in Khartoum, Sudan in March 2002.Expert on loan to the International Cooperation and Assistance DivisionLoan of qualified experts from Swedish Rescue Services Agency for two years, starting on 1 February 2000


Offer by the NBC laboratory in Spiez Laboratory to accommodate one intern for 3 – 4 monthsHosting of three courses per year, to be held in Switzerland, on assistance and protection-related issuesEvaluation of test results for the twelfth proficiency test

United Kingdom

Significant commitments for the training of inspectorsHosting training course on “The Medical Effects and Treatment of CW Poisoning”Financial support of £16,000 for the University of Surrey component of the Associate ProgrammePreparation of test samples for the eleventh proficiency testContribution of £10,000 towards the regional seminar held in Jamaica in November 2001 and the CWC workshop in Khartoum March 2002 Hosting of a challenge inspection exerciseContribution of EUR 50,000 for the purchase of laptop computersDonation of IT servers, valued at EUR 48,612

United States

Hosted a simulated challenge inspection in July 2001Loan of a consultant to support the audit of the Security Critical NetworkLoan of budget planning consultant to the Administration Division from 10 January to 9 September 2002Donation of share software tool for creation of electronic declaration files by all National Authorities
