Poland Pays Its Contribution to the OPCW’s 2002 Budget

15 January 2002

Poland has fully paid its assessed contribution to the OPCW’s 2002 budget. The total number of Member States that have paid their financial contribution in full for the current financial year stands at 41. However welcome these contributions are, they equal only 17.3% percent of the Organisation’s budget for 2002.

The Director?General of the OPCW, José M. Bustani, thanked Poland for its timely payment, and urged the other Member States to follow suit as soon as possible.

With 145 Member States from all regions of the world, the OPCW is tasked with the responsibility of verifying the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which includes verifying the destruction of chemical weapons worldwide, monitoring the chemical industry and dual-use chemicals, providing assistance and protection against chemical attacks, and fostering international cooperation for technological and scientific development. Since the Convention entered into force on 29 April 1997, the OPCW has carried out more than 1,100 inspections of civilian and military facilities in 49 States Parties.

The timely payment by each Member State of its annual contribution is essential if the OPCW is to pursue its mandate effectively and efficiently.
