Uganda Ratifies the Chemical Weapons Convention

6 December 2001

Uganda has ratified the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), thus becoming the 35th State on the African continent to join the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).

On 30 November, Uganda deposited its instrument of ratification of the CWC with the United Nations Secretary-General. The Director-General of the OPCW, Mr José M. Bustani, welcomed the ratification of the Convention by Uganda.

Universal adherence to the CWC contributes to international peace and security. It is also an invaluable tool in the fight against international terrorism, in that universal adherence will eliminate any “safe havens” for those terrorist organisations or individuals who may engage in the use of chemical weapons.

It is hoped that this important step taken by Uganda will inspire and encourage the seventeen States not party to the Convention in Africa, including five non-signatory States, to ratify or accede to the Convention.

Uganda will become the 145th State Party to the Convention on 30 December 2001, thirty days after the deposit of its instrument of ratification. The number of signatory States—those that have signed the Convention, but which have yet to ratify it—now stands at 29, and the number of States which have not signed the Convention remains unchanged at 19.
