National Authorities Courses Conclude

9 November 2001

The National Authority courses are part of the implementation support programmes of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that seek to satisfy States Parties implementation requirements. From 5-9 November, 2001, for the first time they took place in OPCW premises, which provided the participants with the opportunity of becoming part of the dynamics of the Organisation.

By training personnel involved in the work of National Authorities implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), the OPCW will enhance the reliability of the compliance mechanism. The Convention’s importance can not be overestimated in the context of the international community’s efforts to fight terrorism.

The demand to attend these courses reflects the need for qualified personnel created by the high level of turnover experienced by some National Authorities. The courses seek to provide continuity in the process of the implementation of the CWC. The Secretariat received over 80 applications to the courses from members of the National Authorities. Regrettably, due to limited resources, only 24 Basic Course participants and 21 Advanced Course participants could be accommodated. The participants chosen represent National Authorities from all the regional groupings: African, Asian, Eastern Europe, Latin American and Caribbean, and Western Europe and Others Group.

The curriculum of the Basic Course concentrated on providing an introduction to the Convention to those participants having little or no prior experience with matters of implementation. The Advanced Course focused on the lessons learned throughout the period after Entry into Force of the Convention. Each course was developed on the basis of three substantive clusters: introductory issues and information update, inspections and declarations related issues and issues linked to International Cooperation and Assistance. The programmes included: presentations, group work with emphasis on issues relating to implementation and scenario discussions.

Of special interest were the visits to Akzo Nobel Botleck in Rotterdam and to the Rotterdam Chemicals Transfer Terminal where participants were able to familiarise themselves with Dutch chemical production and handling technologies and practices.
