Six More Member States of the OPCW Have Paid Their Contributions to its 2001 Budget

25 January 2001

As of today, Estonia, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, and Switzerland have paid in full their financial contributions to the budget of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) for the current financial year.

Member State Amount Paid (EUR) Date of Payment

New Zealand* 121,272 15 December 2000

Estonia 6,588 17 January 2001

Norway 334,733 19 January 2001

Switzerland 666,722 19 January 2001

The Netherlands 895,549 24 January 2001

Nigeria 20,296 24 January 2001

* Paid 17 days before the deadline of 1 January 2001.

The Director‑General of the OPCW, Mr José M. Bustani, expressed his appreciation to the above‑mentioned Member States for their payments, and urged the significant number of Member States which have not yet paid to follow suit as soon as possible. With these additions, 34 Member States have now paid their 2001 assessments in full.

The timely payment by Member States of their annual contributions is essential for the effective functioning of the OPCW, which is tasked, inter alia, with verifying the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention.
