Successful meeting of chemical industry and national authorities representatives

28 June 1999

On 26 and 27 June 1999, the External Relations and the International Cooperation and Assistance Divisions of the OPCW Technical Secretariat jointly organised the first annual meeting of National Authorities and of chemical industry representatives at OPCW Headquarters in The Hague. The aim of the joint meeting was to provide a forum for informal interactions between the National Authorities who are responsible for implementing the Chemical Weapons Convention in Member States, and the chemical industry which is affected by the implementation of the Convention.

The meeting was opened by the Deputy Director-General Mr John Gee, and was attended by 93 representatives of 78 National Authorities, and 27 industry representatives from around the world. Following a review of the issues of interest to both National Authorities and industry, the topics discussed included exports and imports of scheduled chemicals, issues affecting declarations and verification which are yet to be resolved by the OPCW, the provision of assistance in the case of use or threat of use of chemical weapons, and fostering international cooperation in the field of chemistry for peaceful purposes. The meeting also addressed preparations for, and the conduct of chemical industry inspections and issues arising from them, and future opportunities for cooperation between National Authorities, the chemical industry and the Secretariat. The National Authority representatives also held discussions on a regional basis to consider means of regional cooperation, and the chemical industry representatives were able to address the issues they face in the implementation of the Convention. The meeting also provided a backdrop for the discussions that will take place during the Fourth Session of the Conference of the States Parties, which is being held from 28 June to 2 July in the Netherlands Congress Centre in The Hague.

The overwhelming positive response to this meeting provided the Secretariat with a new perspective on issues which affect the implementation of the Convention, and their resolution where these are now overdue. The representatives of both National Authorities and of industry found the meeting extremely useful, and the Secretariat now proposes to organise and host this meeting on an annual basis in the future.
