Workshop on Declarations in Rio de Janeiro

9 September 1998

The OPCW and the National Authority of Brazil are to hold an international workshop on declarations in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 14 to 18 September 1998. The aim of the workshop is to provide information and guidance for governments in Latin America and the Caribbean region to help them meet their obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention. The workshop will focus on the compulsory declarations that each State Party is required to submit upon entry into force and on an annual basis thereafter.

This regional workshop is being organised jointly by the OPCW and the Brazilian National Authority which is responsible for the implementation of the Convention in that country. The workshop will be held in the Naval Club, located at Piraque Island in the South District of Rio de Janeiro, and will be opened by Ambassador Ruy A.N. Pinheiro de Vasconcellos, head of the Brazilian National Authority. The formal closing ceremony for the workshop will be held at the International Business Centre in Rio de Janeiro, on Friday, 18 September. The OPCW will be represented by the Deputy Director-General, Dr John Gee. A press briefing will be held at the end of this ceremony.

The participants at the workshop will include personnel from the National Authorities of Member States in Latin America and the Caribbean region who are currently engaged in the process of preparing their declarations under the Chemical Weapons Convention. So far, 20 representatives from throughout the region have registered for the workshop.

The workshop will provide a forum within which the staff of the National Authorities can exchange practical experiences. The workshop will address specific regional aspects related to the preparation of OPCW declarations, and other issues relevant to the countries in the region. The participants will concentrate on their (industrial) declaration obligations, identifying declarable activities/facilities, and some of the most common misunderstandings mistakes that are made in the preparation of declarations. In addition, practical aspects of escorting OPCW inspection teams will be discussed, and a practical exercise in a chemical plant involving escorting an inspection team is planned.
