Third Session of the Conference of States Parties

Reports and Agendas

Document Symbol Title Date
C‑III/DG.13/Corr.1 Certain Issues Relating to the Draft Models for Facility Agreements for Schedule 1 Facilities and Schedule 2 Plant Sites Submitted to the Conference for its Consideration and Approval - Corrigendum 6 January 1999
C‑III/4 Report of the Third Session of the Conference of the States Parties 20 November 1998
C‑III/CC.1/Corr.1 Report of the Second Meeting of the Commission for the Settlement of Disputes Related to Confidentiality to the Third Session of the Conference of the States Parties - Corrigendum 20 November 1998
C‑III/3 Report of the Organisation on the Implementation of the Convention (29 April - 31 December 1997) 20 November 1998
C‑III/4/Corr.1 Report of the Third Session of the Conference of the States Parties - Corrigendum 20 November 1998
C‑III/DG.13 Certain Issues Relating to the Draft Models for Facility Agreements for Schedule 1 Facilities and Schedule 2 Plant Sites Submitted to the Conference for its Consideration and Approval 19 November 1998
C‑III/2 Credentials of Representatives to the Third Session of the Conference of the States Parties 19 November 1998
C‑III/DG.11/Corr.1 Status of Initial Declarations and Notifications - Corrigendum 19 November 1998
C‑III/DG.1/Rev.1 Compliance with Article VII: Legislation, Cooperation and Legal Assistance 17 November 1998
C‑III/DG.12 Statement by the Director-General to the Conference of the States Parties at its Third Session 16 November 1998
C‑III/DG.11 Status of Initial Declarations and Notifications 13 November 1998
C‑III/DG.6/Corr.1 Report of the First Session of the Scientific Advisory Board - Corrigendum 8 October 1998
C‑III/DG.7/Rev.1 List of New Inspection Equipment and Revised Specifications for Approved Inspection Equipment 8 October 1998
C‑III/DG.6 Report of the First Session of the Scientific Advisory Board 6 October 1998
C‑III/CC.1 Report of the Second Meeting of the Commission for the Settlement of Disputes Related to Confidentiality to the Third Session of the Conference of the States Parties 16 September 1998
C‑III/1* Provisional Agenda for the Third Session of the Conference of the States Parties 16 September 1998
C‑III/DG.2 Notification of the Third Session of the Conference of the States Parties 31 July 1998

National Statements


Document Symbol Title Date
C‑III/DEC.10/Rev.2 Decision: Operating Procedures of the Confidentiality Commission 4 December 2013
C‑III/DEC.16‑Annex Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Programme and Budget 1999 - Annex 23 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.16 Decision: Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Programme and Budget 1999 23 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.14 Decision: Model Facility Agreement for Schedule 1 Facilities 20 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.11 Decision: Procedure for Addressing Unresolved Issues During the Third Intersessional Period 20 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.12 Decision: All Aspects of the Issue of Chemical Weapons Buried by A State Party on its Territory After 1976 or Dumped at Sea After 1984, Including a Possible Challenge Inspection, and its Implications for the Technical Secretariat's Responsibilities 20 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.17 Decision: Scale of Assessments for 1999 20 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.13 Decision: Understanding of What is Considered a Chemical Weapon, In Particular in Relation to Article II, Subparagraphs 1(B) And 1(C) (On The Basis of the Comments Provided in Relation to Section D of the Draft Declaration Handbook) 20 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.9 Decision: Recommendation on Ensuring the Universality of the Convention 20 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.15 Decision: Model Facility Agreement for Schedule 2 Plant Sites 20 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.8 Decision: Costs of Verification under Articles IV and V 17 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.7 Decision: End-Use Certificates for Transfers of Schedule 2 and 3 Chemicals to States Not Party to the Convention in Accordance with Paragraph 32 of Part VII And Paragraph 26 of Part VIII of the Verification Annex 17 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.4 Decision: Agreements with States Parties on the Privileges and Immunities of the OPCW (Denmark and Ghana) 17 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.6 Decision: Paragraph 32 of Part VII and Paragraph 26 of Part VIII of the Verification Annex of the Convention 17 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.3 Decision: Attendance by Non-Governmental Organisations and Industry Representatives at the Third Conference of the States Parties 16 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.2 Decision: Attendance by Non-Signatory States at the Third Session of the Conference of the States Parties 16 November 1998
C‑III/DEC.1 Decision: Attendance by International Organisations at the Third Session of the Conference of the States Parties 28 October 1998