Second Session of the Conference of States Parties

Reports and Agendas

Document Symbol Title Date
C‑II/6/Corr.1 Programme and Budget 1998 Corrigendum 15 January 1998
C‑II/2/Rev.2/Corr.1 Report of the Organisation on the Implementation of the Convention (29 April – 28 October 1997) Corrigendum 8 January 1998
C‑II/5 Committee of the Whole First Report 5 December 1997
C‑II/8 Report of the Second Session of the Conference of the States Parties 5 December 1997
C‑II/2/Rev.2 Report of the Organisation on the Implementation of the Convention (29 April – 28 October 1997) 5 December 1997
C‑II/7 Committee of the Whole Second Report 5 December 1997
C‑II/6 Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Programme and Budget 1998 5 December 1997
C‑II/4 Credentials of Representatives to the Second Session of the Conference of the States Parties 4 December 1997
C‑II/DG.12 Appointment of the Liquidator of the Preparatory Commission for the OPCW 4 December 1997
C‑II/DG.11 Security Costs and Issues Associated with the Use by the OPCW of Facilities at the Netherlands Congress Centre 3 December 1997
C‑II/DG.10* Statement by the Director-General to the Conference of the States Parties at its Second Session 1 December 1997
C‑II/DG.8/Add.1 Errors in the Text of the Convention Addendum 28 November 1997
C‑II/DG.9 Resignation of a Member of the Confidentiality Commission 28 November 1997
C‑II/DG.1/Rev.1 Accreditation of Permanent Representatives, Representatives to the Conference of the States Parties, Representatives to the Executive Council and Related Matters 24 November 1997
C‑II/CC.1 Report of the First Meeting of the Commission for the Settlement of Disputes Related to Confidentiality to the Second Session of the Conference of the States Parties 20 November 1997
C‑II/DG.8 Errors in the Text of the Convention 11 November 1997
C‑II/3 Report of the Executive Council on the Performance of its Activities (13 May - 31 October 1997) 7 November 1997
C‑II/DG.7 Address by the President of the Russian Federation to the State Duma 29 October 1997
C‑II/1 Notification and Provisional Agenda of the Second Session of the Conference of the States Parties 8 September 1997
C‑II/DG.5/Rev.1 Report by the Director-General in Relation to Item 12(B) of the Provisional Agenda of the Fourth Session of the Executive Council 4 September 1997
C‑II/DG.4 Note by the Director-General 22 July 1997
C‑II/DG.2 An Invitation to Member States to Apply for Support for Participation in International Seminars, Symposia, Workshops, etc. 17 June 1997
C‑II/DG.3 Invitation to Member States to Apply for Support for the Improvement of Technical Competence at National Chemical Analytical Laboratories 17 June 1997

National Statements

Document Symbol Title Date
C‑II/NAT.7 Australia: Implementing CWC Obligations Relating to International Trade in Chemicals 26 November 1997


Document Symbol Title Date
C‑II/DEC.10/Rev.1 Decision: Scientific Advisory Board 2 December 2004
C‑II/DEC.14/Corr.1 Decision: Operating Procedures of the Confidentiality Commission: Corrigendum 19 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.4 Decision: Terms of Appointment of the Director-General 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.3 Decision: Procedure for Addressing Unresolved Issues during the Second Intersessional Period 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.15 Decision: Request by the United States of America for Conversion of Chemical Weapons Production Facility for Purposes Not Prohibited under the Convention 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.13 Decision: Scale of Assessments for 1998 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.7 Decision: Low Concentrations in Relation to Plant Site Declarations 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.5 Decision: Reporting of Ricin Production 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.11 Decision: Recommendation on Ensuring the Universality of the Convention 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.16 Decision: Request from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for Conversion of Chemical Weapons Production Facility for Purposes Not Prohibited under the Convention 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.8 Decision: Reporting of Aggregate National Data for Schedule 2 and 3 Chemicals 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.14 Decision: Operating Procedures of the Confidentiality Commission 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.6 Decision: Meaning of “Production” as Defined in Article II, Subparagraph 12(A) 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.17* Decision: Programme and Budget for 1998 and Working Capital Fund 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.12 Decision: Scale of Assessments for 1997 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.9 Decision: On Paragraph 26 of Part II of the Verification Annex of the Convention 5 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.1 Decision: Attendance of Non-Signatory States at the Second Session of the Conference of the States Parties 3 December 1997
C‑II/DEC.2 Decision: Attendance at the Second Session of the Conference by International Organisations, Specialised Agencies, Other International Bodies and Non-Governmental Organisations and Status of Non-Governmental Organisations 1 December 1997